Wheres the beef. There is a lot of accusations in this video. I should give some wikileaks material if its leaked. Where is all the McCain stuff coming from lately is it from the campaign and trump remarks. I personally have liked him as a straight shooter. He frequently will start a discussion with "my friend" and that is the cue he is about to tell you something he knows your not going to like but its his opinion. He will give his opinion on a subject and not flip flop to cater to an audience.
Please read this and try to understand. Clear your mind of any thoughts you have on the matter first.
I've researched and followed Mccain for a very long time.
I have also researched the unlawful invasions and mass murders in Libya, Iraq, Yemen, ect and Mccain is a key player in all of these things regarding the "terrorist" aspect.
If anybody thinks that every country the US has attacked and destroyed in the middle east and Africa and was immediately taken over by the bearded mercenaries was a coincidence they really need to think a bit harder. It was the plan all along.
The only country that they have kept tight control over is Afghanistan where the worlds opium/heroin supply comes from.
Just think. Hundreds of thousands of bearded mercenaries paid well. Billions in war machines, food, clothing and everthing else they need to maintain such a force. Who is bankrolling all that? Is it Iran? C'mon, only a few countries in the world could afford this.
Now Russia is a threat to this, Syria won't go down, and Iran is too strong for the bearded mercenaries to fuck with plus they are allied with Russia.
And suddenly these countries, who have done nothing to us or even threatened us are suddenly our enemy.
And Mccain and Graham are leading the charge for war everyday.
They are Senators who's job is to represent the People. Going to war with any of these countries is insane.
Its insanity. But they are not insane. They are working at the behest of most likely the CIA which is and has always been a shadow government who does not follow the Constitution regarding foreign affairs meaning wars, invasions, coups, ect.
Yes the Israel GOV and their lobbies, and billionaire globalists like Soros.
He recently went to Ukraine and if you watch the video he is telling them to go ahead and attack Eastern Ukraine.
Go kill millions of your own people, we gotchyou.
His goal there is to put Russia in a position to have to intervene, which is an excuse for a US/Russia war.
Now he went to Syria. Not to work with the legitimate Syrian GOV to help fight the bearded mercanaries Syria has been fighting for 5 years but to stir the pot between the Kurdish, The Turks, And Syria.
This man is doing all he can to get war started. War is not good. Millions, in this case billiions can die.
And it will put the final nail in the coffin of the US economy.
All this money on wars, war machines, overseas military, and the whole damn phony war on terror is why almost every American is worse off now than pre 9/11. It raises our debt to the Central Bank and makes all of our lives shittier.
With the exception of the bankers and war profiteers.
Not only that we have a lawfully elected President and Mccain is going around publically calling him a dictator.
And all Trump has done so far is take steps to try to help the people of the US have better lives.
So ask yourself, other than being the puppet loser for Obama in 08 what good is this man doing for anybody?
There is no doubt in my mind based on years of researching that he is the main player behind the funding of all the terror groups which are all just offshoots of The Muslim Brotherhood who now have a home country in Libya.
I'll simplify it. Do you have children? Neices, Nephews? Mccain wants to send them to Russia, or Poland, or Iran to get killed or maimed then ignored by the VA.
He wants to ruin any future they may have whether they fight or not. Based on his direct words and direct actions if he had his way we would be in WWIII right now.
Think he's your friend?
Regarding the CIA and the deep state shadow government. The news doesnt report this because theyre too busy trashing Trump but right now and spreading their usual propaganda but there is a massive employment of troops and war machines constantly flowing from the US to Eastern Europe.
Trump isn't ordering this but yet he is the Commander in Chief.
So who's making all this happen?
This was fake news. Rehashed hit job from the 2008 campaign.
He's still a dick
McCain should have been history after the Keating Five scandal.
This is not Fake News. Wikileaks has said they are releasing this and theyve already provided some documents.
They have never been proven to release any fraudulent material.