Masturbating with substances

This is my version of the How do you masturbate thread.

Let me clarify this thread: I posted this question as a response to the original "How do you masturbate" thread, but I decided it would be better to make this question into a new thread.

I was wondering which substances you have used, either as a lube or to help you "get off," while masturbating. Responding with common substances like oil, lotion, chocolate syrup, and whipped cream is fine; but, they are not as interesting as the uncommon substances.

Some of the weirder substances that I have tried is MILD hot sauce
(WARNING: Be careful of which hot sauce you use. You could cause serious damage to your genitals. I even have one hot sauce that has a label that says, "Do not put on sensitive areas." LOL), analgesic (lcy Hot for example), xantan gum (slimiest substance I have tried), Pepto-Bismal, alcohol (low proof for same reason as hot sauce warning).
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Is that some variation of Baconsalt, LD??? :eek:



Virtus Junxit Mors Non Separabit
Crystal Meth.:rolleyes:


The secret ingredient? MY BALLS
I like to use melted Nestle Crunch bars. The texture is...aaaaah, it's just like the inside of a grandma.