Massive 8.9-magnitude quake hits Japan

Japanese drop giant waterbombs on stricken reactors as Foreign Office promises rescue charter flights to get Britons out of Tokyo

# 17,000 British nationals could be evacuated as last ditch efforts are made to stop nuclear catastrophe
# Cooling pool for spent fuel rods has 'boiled dry' in one reactor
# Police water canons move in to spray water on overheating fuel rods
# Japan has 48 hours to avoid 'another Chernobyl'
# Foreign Office provides free-of-charge rescue flights from Tokyo
# Rich scramble to book private jets out the country as fleeing passengers pack Tokyo airport
# French say Japanese have 'visibly lost essential control' as they urge their citizens to get out

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Get out: A growing number of countries are joining the UK in organising flights to evacuate their citizens from Japan


Is there anyway to stop the retarded news media from humping the iodine tablet story and panicking the lemmings out here in California. You're more likely to die in a car accident on the way to buy the pills then die of radiation poisoning. Oh-oh look out, it's going to rain this weekend, it'll be radiation rain.... SIGH... :facepalm:

The movie stars must have their iodine pills.
I was in downtown Tokyo at the Tokyo Station waiting to get on a bus when the earthquake happened. It is really freaky when everything that is supposed to be still is moving.
The movie stars must have their iodine pills.

That whole situation is nothing short of mind boggling. A friend of mine owns a grocery store in San Jose, and was saying people there bought all of his potassium iodide. He was planning on donating all of it to rescue groups, but the paranoid idiots here bought it all. He said he won't get another shipment for two full weeks. Unbelievable some people are.
That whole situation is nothing short of mind boggling. A friend of mine owns a grocery store in San Jose, and was saying people there bought all of his potassium iodide. He was planning on donating all of it to rescue groups, but the paranoid idiots here bought it all. He said he won't get another shipment for two full weeks. Unbelievable some people are.

After watching The Real Housewives of Orange County that doesn't surprise me :facepalm:

Barack Obama pleads for calm as UN warns radiation 'plume' from Japan quake could hit U.S. today before eventually reaching Europe

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Empty: This store in Los Angeles was out of potassium iodide following a run on the anti-radiation drug at grocery stores and pharmacies


Friday fall-out: A graphic showing the path of the nuclear plume as predicted by the UN
That whole situation is nothing short of mind boggling. A friend of mine owns a grocery store in San Jose, and was saying people there bought all of his potassium iodide. He was planning on donating all of it to rescue groups, but the paranoid idiots here bought it all. He said he won't get another shipment for two full weeks. Unbelievable some people are.


I often think ignorance is even worse then stupidity. At least stupid people have some kind of excuse, as bad as that is.


Here Zombie, Zombie, Zombie...
It is amazing how the panicked lemmings react sometimes. If you stood in Starbucks with a friend and said out loud...

"I'm going to duct tape my windows and doors so the radioactive dust won't get inside and start wearing masks..."

There would be a run on duct tape and masks tomorrow and people would be tweeting that they were taping themselves inside. Stupidity is like a wildfire, it spreads quickly.

Just imagine how they would react if a real catastrophic emergency hit your area. All these people running around buying iodine, most likely don't even have a proper earthquake/survival/emergency kit, flashlights, etc.

Once the demon-bitch left my house and took her shit, I had a pretty empty closet downstairs. I converted it into a earthquake supplies kit. The Government says "3" days. I can go more than "3" months easy. (It's amazing what you can come up with when you're bored.)
Some good news at last about the nuclear reactor, bad news about the contaminated foof find though but takt the rough with the smooth

Power hopes rise at Japan plant

Workers are close to restoring power to cooling systems at a quake-hit Japanese nuclear power plant, officials say.
Another good news I´ve seen in German tv minutes ago : We can deliver cranes who got a veeery wide extension of about 160 feet. With them it´s possible to place the cooling-water for the reactors *exactly* to where it should be ...

And something else : The Japanese citizens are veeery proud, they dont ask for help too much. But they need help or they will die. Everything you can do ....they need food, warm clothing, medicine.


My Penis Is Dancing!
A long way to go, but it looks like they've climbed a mountain of accomplishment so far already.