The two shooters were married and had a 6-month-old baby. They'd rather murder a bunch of people than raise their child.
allah is greater.
allah is greater.
Workplace violence, I heard ? My ass this is just liberal bullshit lie. A jihadist always remain a jihadist, the only to have peace with them, is by killing them with a 50bmg sniping rifle raufoss round or 500 s&w magnum 300 grains bullet in the head or the heart or by neutralizing them with a full of mag of cal 223 ss109 or 308 nato armour piercing high vel rounds
Yeah, Georges. I agree the only way to deal with these sucktards is to put warheads on foreheads. You're a god damn American treasure.
In the wake of the latest slaughter of innocents in the U.S. by adherents of the religion of peace, AG Loretta Lynch vows to prosecute "anti-muslim speech" that could provoke violence.
And she says the San Bernardino shootings are a "wonderful opportunity":
"We’re at the point where these issues have come together really like never before in law enforcement thought and in our nation’s history and it gives us a wonderful opportunity and a wonderful moment to really make significant change."
I wonder if 6 months from now all the right wing kooks will be denying this ever happened, Sandy Hook style, or if they'll remember this one because it wasn't a deranged white guy, it was a few deranged brown guys. What's your stance on Muslim American citizens owning guns, righties? Did Jesus bestow that right on them too when he wrote the constitution? On the one hand, they're American citizens, so they should have all the guns, but on the other hand, they're Muslim, quite the pickle.
Whatever, I'm too free to care, I'll just enjoy another day here under my tyrannical dictatorship where me and my kids have pretty much zero chance of being killed by guns.
You have a very small penis don't you?
I wonder if 6 months from now all the right wing kooks will be denying this ever happened, Sandy Hook style, or if they'll remember this one because it wasn't a deranged white guy, it was a few deranged brown guys. What's your stance on Muslim American citizens owning guns, righties? Did Jesus bestow that right on them too when he wrote the constitution? On the one hand, they're American citizens, so they should have all the guns, but on the other hand, they're Muslim, quite the pickle.
Whatever, I'm too free to care, I'll just enjoy another day here under my tyrannical dictatorship where me and my kids have pretty much zero chance of being killed by guns.
In the wake of the latest slaughter of innocents in the U.S. by adherents of the religion of peace, AG Loretta Lynch vows to prosecute "anti-muslim speech" that could provoke violence.
And she says the San Bernardino shootings are a "wonderful opportunity":
"We’re at the point where these issues have come together really like never before in law enforcement thought and in our nation’s history and it gives us a wonderful opportunity and a wonderful moment to really make significant change."
The Farook family attorneys in their presser today dismiss any terrorist ties with the two shooters, chalking it up to possible workplace violence at most citing Syed was once made fun of because of his beard and even floated Sandy Hook conspiracy theories. They were also indignant that whenever a muslim kills a bunch of people in this country, terrorism is always the suspected motive. I know, right?
One of Farook's neighbors said he noticed suspicious activity at the residnce but failed to alert anyone because he didn't want to "racially profile."
political correctness and it's inherent stupidity kills.
She was talking about the opportunity to discuss certain specifics and possible reforms within the criminal justice system...bail, fines, fees, etc. ...not about the San Bernardino shootings.
Why is that every time there's à shooting, there's not any "good guy with a gun" to shoot the "bad guy with à gun". Gun nuts told me that Charlie Hebdo attack and the attacks perpetrated 3 weeks ago wouldn't have happened if people had guns and still 14 people just 've killed on american soil and not any 2nd Amendment protector was there to end this tragedy, to take these two people down.
Tell me again what are your guns for 'cause you've not used them to get rid of the dictatorial currently in the White House and you did not used them to take down terrorists, wether they are white christians terrorists or radical muslims terrorists (but terrorists used legaly bought guns to spread hatred and death).