Honestly the beliefs or motivations of a killer have never interested me... we should definetly try to stop mass murder by many different methods. Mental health, education/welfare, and sensible gun control. I think everyone can agree we can do better on many issues that contribute to crazy people being motivated and capable of doing these rampages.
I don't know the answer. I don't even (really) know the root cause(s). When I was a kid
(that's how people over the age of 50 start a diatribe), we had rifles and shotguns in our vehicles in the school parking lot during hunting season. As for gun availability, I had friends whose dads or brothers brought back actual M16s from Vietnam and M14s from Korea. Watching a gun fire on full auto didn't shock me as a kid. I knew one older fellow who had a Tommy gun that had been in his family for years. As kids, we thought it was pretty cool to look at. No biggie. So getting or being around a gun (even a machine gun) wasn't
such a huge deal back then. But things were definitely different. People did get shot, but at least us kids never even considered shooting up our schools over some sort of dumb shit. Hell, if you got into a fight, you didn't even pull a knife if all the other guy had was his fists. You were labeled a 100% pussy if you did that. And you'd rather take an ass whipping rather than be labeled a pussy. Pulling a gun wasn't even thought of. But, we weren't coddled. We didn't have safe spaces. We got our asses busted for talking back to our parents and teachers. We only got trophies if our team won. We didn't have video games that taught us that murdering people and stealing cars on a screen was an acceptable form of entertainment. We even had the government telling TV networks to provide
family friendly viewing hours that didn't have too much violence or adult themes. Boys were boys. Girls were girls. Yeah, compared to now, it was a very different time... seems like another time and place compared to the freak show that we live in now.
There was bad stuff too, of course. People weren't as tolerant of people who were different back then... and that wasn't right. But I'm thinking that maybe we've become a bit too "tolerant" now, if you know what I mean. All of that pulled together just means that I think the cultural change, or shift, does have
something to do with people feeling that it's OK to take a gun and go on an animalistic rampage. It most certainly isn't just
one thing, the way that some (I don't mean you) try to portray it. I don't know what can be done about it though. I've always heard that it's near impossible to put a genie back in the bottle. :dunno: