marital status? a poll!

marital status

  • married (gay/straight)

    Votes: 35 23.8%
  • long term relationship

    Votes: 28 19.0%
  • casual relationship

    Votes: 10 6.8%
  • single

    Votes: 74 50.3%

  • Total voters


what state are you in with regards to lurve!


im in a new relationship but its serious and will be long term - bah cant answer my own poll accurately!


i agree with the "sigh" - single is good if you are getting some but it sux during dry spells!

also a question - do you find you can pull lots more people when you got a partner already? i have never cheated but i get a lot more offers when with someone than when im single, go figure o_O


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lordraven said:
i agree with the "sigh" - single is good if you are getting some but it sux during dry spells!

also a question - do you find you can pull lots more people when you got a partner already? i have never cheated but i get a lot more offers when with someone than when im single, go figure o_O

I had many more chasing me when married , when they were trying to do it behind my husbands back . Great friends and relatives he had . :( .


relatives?? bloods not so thick eh

me and my bro went out with two sisters once, close as i got to that heh


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lordraven said:
relatives?? bloods not so thick eh

me and my bro went out with two sisters once, close as i got to that heh

His brother would have nailed me in a heartbeat , some have no loyalty , he is one . :hatsoff:



get a divorce if thats how u feel!

so many more fish etc etc
i might as well be married .... with my girl 6 years now... shes still in college so i wont propose just yet cos u all know what college girls are like with a few drinks .. thats right HORNY BITCHS!!!! :thefinger
I'm single, I have no girl, I get no ass, and I still love it.

I'm a fairly good looking guy people say. I'm just not the type to run around banging everything or anything with a vagina.


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vBulletin Message
You must spread some Reputation around before giving it to Harry Lime again.

I tried to give you a good rep for your post darling , but vBullentin says I must "spread " it around ;) . Hope you don't mind sharing me . :)

Sorry off topic , but I just wanted some who think favorites can be shown to see that it wouldn't let me rep him twice in a row . Maybe clear some thoughts up that some people have . :glugglug: