Marilyn Monroe Sex Tape Sells for $1.5M!

Will E Worm

New Owner Says 15-Minute Film to Be Kept Private.

A 15-minute film of Marilyn Monroe engaging in an oral sex act with an unidentified man will be kept from public view by a New York businessman who has bought it for $1.5 million, the broker of the deal said on Monday.

Marilyn Monroe
Waste of money? Marilyn Monroe was one of the original Hollywood screen sirens, the very epitome of the words 'sex symbol', and a historical figure (pardon the pun) who will still be remembered in a hundred years from now.

They were going to give Spitzer's girl 1 million. For a Marilyn tape, 1.5m is damn cheap.


Closed Account
Maybe I needed to re-read the article, but why did the FBI have it? What gave them the right to keep it and not give it to her/her husband?

God damn FBI... :rolleyes:
Maybe I needed to re-read the article, but why did the FBI have it? What gave them the right to keep it and not give it to her/her husband?

God damn FBI... :rolleyes:

J.Edgar Hoover the head of the FBI for decades had files of dirt on lots of people and used it to keep his position or try to ruin people.Martin Luther King was one such person who Hoover maintained was really a womanizing communist although he never had any evidence that has surfaced as far as I know.And he was not fond of the Kennedys eitheir and this story points out he was trying to prove the guy getting the BJ was JFK.

"The FBI agent that I interviewed said J. Edgar Hoover was completely obsessed. A team of nine individuals were analyzing the tape inside a lab. J. Edgar Hoover brought in a few prostitutes who allegedly had been with President Kennedy and they tried to ... see if that was really President Kennedy."

On the husbands she had several but was not married at the time of her death.

But Hoover was really something and very powerful.Everybody including Presidents could be in trouble if he was after them.Just as a side there are rumours that Hoover the guardian of ameirca's traditional values was possibly gay lol.He was never married and not seen in the company of women plus lived with his #2 guy at the FBI.:dunno:


what the fuck you lookin at?
waste of money, if you ask me.

exactly wait for it to leak onto the net and you'll be able to get it for free if you know where to look!
Was there a second shooter? :rubbel:
Was there a second shooter? :rubbel:

:nanner: Funny!

I think this is an amazing story. I'm shocked it's not getting more mainstream pub?

I'd really like to see this actually...what was her BJ technique? Did she tittyfuck the president?:dunno:

I assume the gent in question is a Kennedy getting a hummer...
Much ado about nothing. Never was big on elevating Hollywood stars and cultural icons above the rest. Oooh a grainy sex tape without sound...
Much ado about nothing. Never was big on elevating Hollywood stars and cultural icons above the rest.

Not only that but Marilyn Monroe was probably one of the most overrated celebrities of all time. I always wondered if she was a big part of the reason that the blonde airhead woman appeal caught on with the public that they seemed to like for such a long time.

I don't like J. Edgar Hoover either. If I were around then I wouldn't have shed a tear if somebody like him got assassinated. I think it's pretty sad we named FBI headquarters after him also.