we bullfight blindfolded. (the alternate title for this thread is "Stupid Men.")
L lurkingdirk Dec 22, 2009 #1 we bullfight blindfolded. (the alternate title for this thread is "Stupid Men.") Attachments blindfolded-bull-fighting.jpg 79.8 KB · Views: 202
Ace Boobtoucher Founder and Captain of the Douchepatrol Dec 22, 2009 #6 That appears to be a yak, not a bull. Pretty funny, though.
StanScratch My Penis Is Dancing! Dec 23, 2009 #8 Does he have a boner? Me thinks what is coming towards him is not what he expects.
tartanterrier Is somewhere outhere. Dec 23, 2009 #11 Man got more than he bargained for when he blindfolded for sex
T themrose Dec 23, 2009 #12 "ok huni, now don't take the blindfold off, i'm gonna give you a blowjob that'll knock your socks off" hehehe, poor bastard
"ok huni, now don't take the blindfold off, i'm gonna give you a blowjob that'll knock your socks off" hehehe, poor bastard
B BlueBalls Dead Dec 23, 2009 #14 Yeah, I don't think that guys going to have much of a sack left once it's all over.