Man kills girlfriend after learnin' she used to be a dude

A Russian man has killed the girlfriend that he lived with for two years after finding out that she once was a man.

Vladimir F., 33, from Volgograd in Russia’s Volga Region, met Kamilla during a trip to St. Petersburg, website writes. There, a charming young woman, three years his junior, caught his attention.

After they returned to Volgograd they started dating and soon moved in together. Kamila would not talk too much about her past life, but this never bothered her boyfriend.

Two years later, Vladimir proposed but was rejected. Kamilla said she was not ready for such a serious step and needed more time.

The suspicious boyfriend broke into her mailbox to see if she was cheating on him.

He found no traces of infidelity, but was shocked to find out that many of Kamilla’s correspondents addressed her as “Kirill”. The woman turned out to be a transsexual.

Browsing through Kamilla’s letters Vladimir learned how several years ago she traveled to Australia for transgender surgery and became a woman, then changed her papers to become one legally as well.

Unable to handle the revelation, Vladimir took a gun and when his girlfriend came home shot her dead.

After that he wrote a goodbye note saying he could not stand the “betrayal” of his loved one and cut his wrists open, but survived.

Vladimir has been charged with murder and is now awaiting trial at the local pre-trial detention center.



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Poor bastard ...

he really got screwed ...
What an idiot.

Either deal with it or leave her.

Murder isn't any solution. Just another lame-ass homophobe.

He probably got all enraged when the thought of his wife with a dong gave him a tingle down there...

What a loser.


Yep, It happens :

The Murder of Gwen Araujo, an American teenage transwoman, was a murder case in Newark, California, in October 2002.[1] She was killed by four men, two of whom she had been sexually intimate with, who beat and strangled her after discovering she was transsexual.[2][3][4] Two of the defendants were convicted of second-degree murder[5], but not convicted on the requested hate crime enhancements. The other two defendants pleaded guilty or no contest to voluntary manslaughter.

In this Araujo case, I could see a good defense for the murderer guys. Here they we're at a party getting all liquored up and some trans sorta picks up on these obviously hetero
sex guys ? How would we expect them to act ? Do you really think that the guys are just gonna blow it off after poking another dude turned woman in the rear like nothing ever happened ? I don't think so. Anyway, Read the entire story, it was a landmark murder case.

What the hell is the diff between a transvestite and a transwoman ? And how could have these guys that killed Araujo have found out that . . . never mind . That will be all, thank you very much.

And you'll have to excuse me as I don't keep up with the latest in socially progressive terminology.Some of these stories can get real confusing :1orglaugh:D :laugh::o
Yep, It happens :


In this Araujo case, I could see a good defense for the murderer guys. Here they we're at a party getting all liquored up and some trans sorta picks up on these obviously hetero
sex guys ? How would we expect them to act ? Do you really think that the guys are just gonna blow it off after poking another dude turned woman in the rear like nothing ever happened ? I don't think so. Anyway, Read the entire story, it was a landmark murder case.

What the hell is the diff between a transvestite and a transwoman ? And how could have these guys that killed Araujo have found out that . . . never mind . That will be all, thank you very much.

And you'll have to excuse me as I don't keep up with the latest in socially progressive terminology.Some of these stories can get real confusing :1orglaugh:D :laugh::o

The difference is, a transvestite is a man dressed as a woman, while a transwoman is a man who has become a woman surgically.

And no, no is no good defense for that. You go home, you bust out the wire wool and take a shower hot enough to steam off the top layer of skin, and you get over it. You cannot justify murdering someone just because of a procedure they had, especially if you were perfectly okay with fucking them before you found out.
This is one of those cases where Its almost alright, but I wouldnt kill any one if I found out the chick I was fuckin was a dude. They would get the beating of their life. If I were the judge on the case I wouldnt sentence the dude to life in prison or give him the death sentence, but he will get a sentence he didnt like, It was murder after all.

But The plastic surgeon must have done one hell of a job.:thumbsup:

J. Friday

I don't agree with the killing and I agree he should have checked. But why do transsexuals do this shit? Why do they con heterosexual men into wanting them? Sure, we can talk about how this guy is an idiot and stuff for thinking it was a female and not realizing it's a man, but what justification do you have for why they do this shit all the time? Isn't there a law against this kind of thing?

If I meet a girl and she has STDs, she should tell me.

If I meet a girl and she has kids, she should tell me.

If I meet a girl and she's secretly married, she should tell me.

If I meet a girl and she's an ex-con, she should tell me.

If I meet a girl and she's ten years older than she looks, she should tell me.

If I meet a girl and she has a drug problem, she should tell me.

If I meet a girl and she was originally a boy, she should tell me.

If you don't tell me then you're lying to me and keeping a secret from me that I might not disapprove of. As a result, our relationship is only going on because you keep important lies from me and I cannot trust you. That's bullshit.

I don't agree with him killing the tranny but the tranny should have said something before the relationship even started.
Why do they do "this shit"? Well, simply put, the whole point of changing gender is to be the new gender. There's no point in a man becoming a woman if they still have to live as a man in a dress. If you're with someone and find out they used to be a dude, and that's enough to not only cause you to leave them, but to inflict harm upon them, then frankly, you're scum and don't deserve the affection of another human being. No secret is big enough to be worth murdering someone over, especially someone you're supposed to care about.

J. Friday

Why do they do "this shit"? Well, simply put, the whole point of changing gender is to be the new gender. There's no point in a man becoming a woman if they still have to live as a man in a dress. If you're with someone and find out they used to be a dude, and that's enough to not only cause you to leave them, but to inflict harm upon them, then frankly, you're scum and don't deserve the affection of another human being. No secret is big enough to be worth murdering someone over, especially someone you're supposed to care about.

I'm not condoning the murder. I'm talking about keeping secrets. Of course, when you change your gender you personally believe you are that gender and so do many other people. But the fact is you simply must believe in reality: a huge number of people are going to look upon you as being some fort of freak. If you don't agree with this kind of prejudice that's beside the point, other people adhere to that and believe it. Therefore, there is nothing wrong with saying, "I was a man once. But I changed my gender to female because I truly believe that's what I was supposed to be. Before we start a relationship I have to know this: is my past gender going to be a problem?"

That's all that needs to be done. The person may give you shit for being a tranny and all but you have to deal with it. Life is full of people giving you shit for who you are and what you like. You can't live your life without people acting like assholes around you all the time.

Some people are uncomfortable with getting into a relationship with a transsexual. I know don't agree with it, but they got to accept reality and the consequences of stomping on other people's feelings, rather than thinking about their own feelings.
I know you weren't condoning the murder, but your first post seemed to be very harsh towards transsexuals, though I see now that was just a perception thing, you've explained your point much better now. Yes, I understand that honesty is a crucial thing, but I can also see that many transsexuals will want to escape from and put behind them the fact that they were born the 'wrong' gender, and will not want to bring it up. I don't think a 'lie of omission' is quite the same as telling someone something that's untrue - it's just that you're not telling them everything.

J. Friday

I know you weren't condoning the murder, but your first post seemed to be very harsh towards transsexuals, though I see now that was just a perception thing, you've explained your point much better now. Yes, I understand that honesty is a crucial thing, but I can also see that many transsexuals will want to escape from and put behind them the fact that they were born the 'wrong' gender, and will not want to bring it up. I don't think a 'lie of omission' is quite the same as telling someone something that's untrue - it's just that you're not telling them everything.

Ah, my friend, you make a good point. People don't always tell everything when it comes to relationships and you can't be expected to tell everything. But when you start a relationship you should tell your significant other the important parts of your past, and changing your gender is extremely important. By hesitating to marry the man she was dating I wouldn't be surprised if the main reason why she refused is because she knew he would be unhappy with her past. Thus, she knew what she was hiding was important, and it was more than a little lie or a "lie of omission". It was something that would have a powerful impact on their relationship, and by the fact that her boyfriend killed her we can see that it was true. If she would have told him in the first place she'd be alive and he wouldn't be in jail. So I ask you this: what did she gain from lying?