Man jailed for not supporting someone else's child


ADEL, Ga. – A Georgia man spent more than a year behind bars for failing to pay child support for a child that wasn't his, but he was released after DNA tests showed he wasn't the father.

Frank Hatley, 50, had been jailed since June 2008 for not making payments, but two separate DNA tests in the last nine years showed he was not the father of the boy, who is now 21.

Southern Center for Human Rights attorney Sarah Geraghty won Hatley's release at a hearing Wednesday in Superior Court. A court order has also relieved him of his financial obligation to the Georgia Department of Human Resources.

"State child support officials have shown extraordinarily poor judgment in Mr. Hatley's case," Geraghty said.

Although Hatley was freed from making future payments after a 2001 hearing, Superior Court Judge Dan Perkins had ordered him to continue making $16,000 in back payments. He paid $6,000 of that before being laid off from his job.
Perkins ordered Hatley's immediate release Wednesday after determining that he was indigent. Although he was released, Hatley's paternity case is still unresolved. No future hearings are scheduled.

Why shouldn't the slut who duped the guy for all these years be brought up on fraud and possibly larceny charges??


Here Zombie, Zombie, Zombie...
Holy Crap! That judge must be a man hating feminist, with a pair of balls for a keychain. What the hell is happening to this country. God damn lawyers.

As I have recently had to deal with lawyers, and the mistakes they make. And at the same time, reapplying for a passport and the debacle that is. I was sitting across from the lawyer and said. You know it takes 6-8 weeks for a passport, but here in California, only 10 days to get a gun. A peice of paperwork or a gun. I don't want to be back here for more paperwork, you got me? His eyes got wide and he just nodded. Lawyers...
I think we've kinda made our own bed here, really.

At times we've championed the fact that biology doesn't nessecarily make you the parent, it's the person, male or female who is there for you and raises you.

So the State is just wanting to respect that. Then there is also the whole issue of the State not wanting to have another mouth to feed, so they figure that after a few years of you being there as Dad, you must have taken responsibility. There seals your faith for life.

That's not to say the case from the OP doesn't suck.
Well, I hate to point out that Mr. Hadley is an African-American and the state, in question, is Georgia. The State of Georgia is at much greater fault here, and Mr. Hadley should sue the state.
Adopting a kid as his comes with $ responsibilities. Risky move.

did you read the artical or just open the thread and respond?:rofl::1orglaugh
Well, I hate to point out that Mr. Hadley is an African-American and the state, in question, is Georgia. The State of Georgia is at much greater fault here, and Mr. Hadley should sue the state.

Your right the state is easily the biggest villan here and him being black and it is Georgia could easily be part of the issue.

The state went after him when she signed up for welfare.Thats common practice for states to do to try to recoup their money.But they should have never continued that when the paternity became clear.Luckly for him someone (the lawyer from Southern Center for Human Rights ) was able to help him.He should be able to sue the state and get his money and some damages.
wasn't there aa case i think in tennesse or kentuck.wher a guy had i think about 13-14 kids from different girls.he has to pay them all child support.


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Originally Posted by Ainttalkinlove View Post
did you read the artical or just open the thread and respond?


Hah^^ Got caught :hatsoff:

But the situation of that guy is a tricky one, I guess. As he paid for so long, he kind of accepted the kid by habit or sumthing.

In a way, the kid is his, because helped it get raised :2 cents: