Make your own Predator suit!

He's a sad git, But 10 outa 10 for Creativity, It looked good when it was finished.
Everybody's gotta have a hobby, I guess. No less dorky than knowing every single sports statistic for the last 40 years. :dunno:

Wow, that is such a trip! You gotta hand it to the guy...he is stickler for detail!....................even if he doesn't get laid! LOL
I love the third picture down, where it looks like it could have gone either way - either predator or rastafarian.
Also, got to love his bemused expression.
Thats amazing, that took alot of time and effort. I have seen store bought predator costumes that dont look half as good as the one that he made.
I'm going to create an 'Arnie' costume...
Some black face paint and a few incoherent Austrian-accented tough guy phrases should do the trick.
Oh yeah, the fan stuff is certainly fun to look through. Those guys/gals put a lot of time and energy into that stuff. And like I've contended before, it's no less dorky in my eyes to make yourself a predator suit than it is to act like you're part of the decision-making process during the NFL draft, getting all your friends together to watch the thing, and analyzing the decisions, etc.

We're all dorky about one thing or another. Sports, sci-fi, porn, etc.
