Majority of Americans Think Now is Worst Time in U.S History

If you’re feeling anxious about the United States’ future, you’re not alone.

It’s actually the top stressor in the country — even more than money or work, according to the American Psychological Association’s annual Stress in America survey. A majority of Americans, 59 percent, also believe the country is in the lowest period they can ever remember, including respondents who lived through Pearl Harbor and World War II.

Sixty-three percent of respondents consider the future of the U.S. a source of stress, while 62 percent feel stressed about money and 61 percent about work. And as you might expect, 73 percent of Democrats are worried about the country’s future. But more conservative folks aren’t exactly at ease about America’s path either; 59 percent of Independents and 56 percent of Republicans said they’re stressed too.

“We’re seeing significant stress transcending party lines,” said Arthur C. Evans Jr., the American Psychological Association’s chief executive officer. “The uncertainty and unpredictability tied to the future of our nation is affecting the health and well-being of many Americans in a way that feels unique to this period in recent history.”

These elevated stress levels could be having a negative effect on people’s health. Lying awake at night during the previous month is up 5 percent from 2016 to 45 percent, and a third of Americans said stress is causing them to feel nervous, anxious, irritable, angry, or fatigued.

The survey, conducted in August, included 3,440 adults of varying ages and genders and from different racial and ethnic backgrounds. That data was then weighted to reflect respondents’ relative proportions of the U.S. population.

Unfortunately, a news overload might be part of the problem. Fifty-six percent of Americans surveyed said they want to stay informed about the news but doing so caused them stress.

“With 24-hour news networks and conversations with friends, family, and other connections on social media, it’s hard to avoid the constant stream of stress around issues of national concern,” Evans said.

It’s important to note that not every group is feeling more stressed than usual. White people’s 2017 stress levels remained the same as in 2016, while Hispanic’s average stress level went from 5.0 (on a 10-point scale) in 2016 to 5.2 this year, and black people’s average stress level went from 4.7 to 5.0.

The good news? At least it’s not just you. The bad news? Well, you’re surrounded by it all the time.

I was told there would be wining


It’s important to note that not every group is feeling more stressed than usual. White people’s 2017 stress levels remained the same as in 2016, while Hispanic’s average stress level went from 5.0 (on a 10-point scale) in 2016 to 5.2 this year, and black people’s average stress level went from 4.7 to 5.0.

Meanwhile, the Hillbilly & Hayseed stress level remains dialed to 11.


Hiliary 2020
Of course people feel that way.
That is the way they have engineered us Americans.
That is what they've done to us.
That is the plan in action.
Make us scared and helpless and in need of assistance. That is where we are the most vulnerable.
Like how what Charlie did to the Angels. They hated life, but he took them away from that.........for a price.

I could break it down in categories and levels and the causes there of , but I'll only get met with aggression so F it.
But you all know it already, but too many don't know that they know it.

I know I know everything is just coincidence and happenstance and not part of a plan.
And don't ask who controls the Money and the banks, Who controls the Politicians and Judges, Who controls the GOV and the Military ,Who controls the trillions spent wasted on things every year that only hurts our economy and every single one of us , and never ask who control our entire media and every bit of information we recieve in our news, our movies, our Tv, and our music.
Never question these things,just find a happy place.


Trust me youre better off.
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Did these people ever heard about the Civil War ?


Pucker Up Butter Cup.
Zeeblo, did you get your subaru fixed yet?

We need to race :) There's that whole stretch of I-5 down your way with just two lanes and no exit/entry ramps.

I can only race you Jetsons style in about 25 years.


Hiliary 2020
Anybody watch Game Of Thrones?
You know how Ramsay broke Theon and turned him into a different person, a slave actually?
He broke him down by torturing him both physically and mentally over time, then by being nice to him, then torture, then nice, then more torture, and so on and so on.
Thats how they wipe a person clean and mold him into what they want.
They know how to do this and have it down to a science.
Everybody has a weak spot, a trigger, and breaking point.

Well thats what theyve been doing to us for the past 16 years. To many young people this is all they know.

Up and down Up and down.
One day they terrorize us with a phony fake drill presented as real.
ISIS, Russia, Korea, Muslims, Nazis, Storms, Illnesses, ect ect, Even Millioniare Cowboy Astronauts are going on shooting sprees,.......they all are all coming to get us.
Impending Doom is all around.
And we need them to "Take us away from all that", to help us.

Then the next day. Everything is great! The Economy is doing great, our future is great!, Everybody is happy!

Then the next day.
ISIS is coming for you! Or another one of their many bullshit fake boogeymen which they created to terrorize us with.
And that is how Americans are forced to live. On an emotional roller coaster day in day out.
Add to that the prescription drugs, the illegal drugs, and the shit they put in out food, water, vaccines, and possibly air and we don't have chance in hell.

Then Combine that with real things like 95% of the population having to constantly make due with less and less thanks to a Central Banking system that has made us all literal slaves to them and a Government that spent all our money on military, security and endless wars to make the ones in the BIG CLUB richer and richer and its a wonder any of us are sane.

So of course they think its the worst time. They've been broke and know they are under mind control. And a scared and nervous population is an easy population to control.

Pre-emptive Fuck off