Magic the Gathering

Just curious...anyone play? :)

Favorite colors/cards/sets...whatever... Haven't played in years, but lately have been getting interested in it again.
I remember playing a long time ago. It was nice, but it just had one problem. It was too expensive. It was way too much money, as I didn't like paying $3 for 12 slips (back then I don't know what it is now) of printed cardboard just to get a few that might be good. To top it off you need four in some decks to make it work.


Moderator \ Jannie
Staff member
White or blue decks. After Urza's ***** the game just had too many cards.. too many ways to balance it out. White was great most of the time. Heal everything, throw out a couple of Ivory Towers..

But blue had major potential after throwing out a couple of spells/summons.

Then again, black was something to be reckoned with. Not so great on the longevity...

Red just sucked. Green? All this land/mana and nothing to kick ass with!


knows petras secret: she farted.
i never played it but ive seen countless nerds play it in libraries and shit. it looks somewhat interesting but where i live now, there's no following. besides, we all know pokemon tcg was the best.
used to. white was my favorite color to play with, or white mixed with something.
never cared much for red, dirty wins with little strategy and a lot of fire power. but red/black? devastating.

i haven't plaed for around 10 years, but had a blast and am always wondering if i should try it again.
but i don't want to spend money on it, it was expensive, and i'm not sure how my old cards will fare against all these new creature powers and spells.
i was pretty good at building decks that would win often, not always, but i could definitly hold my own, so i'm sure that after playing a few times i'd know how to last a little longer.
but to answer your question in plain terms, i used to play and maybe will start again, someday.


Moderator \ Jannie
Staff member
Geez, dont you guys ever do a lil research? There was an AWESOME M:tG card game and single expansion set released by Microprose back in the 90s. Really good stuff. Compatible with XP/9X/etc.

Doesnt include any of those newer bullsh!t cards. Just plain old gaming goodness against a few select friends or against a very nice AI with varying diff. levels. Pick up a copy on eBay or somewhere. The cover of the game/instr. manual had a copy of that girl on the 'Spirit Link' card, reaching her hand out.
MTG was, is and will always be the best TCG and Pokemon really just created a buzz. I haven't played in ages because the frenzy seemed to fade here in the Philippines primarily due to more new cards coming out and the expensiveness of maintaining a competitive deck. The Philippines IS a third world country after all. It kinda sucks that they add so many new rules and spells but I'm actually trying to learn to play the game again. Gotta love the black. It's all I am really good at besides a counter-spell deck and a red "all firepower" deck. I like the Nightmares, the Vampires, the Discarder decks and such, I'm old school.


knows petras secret: she farted.
MTG was, is and will always be the best TCG and Pokemon really just created a buzz. I haven't played in ages because the frenzy seemed to fade here in the Philippines primarily due to more new cards coming out and the expensiveness of maintaining a competitive deck. The Philippines IS a third world country after all. It kinda sucks that they add so many new rules and spells but I'm actually trying to learn to play the game again. Gotta love the black. It's all I am really good at besides a counter-spell deck and a red "all firepower" deck. I like the Nightmares, the Vampires, the Discarder decks and such, I'm old school.

you're in pi?! nice! have some shakeys for me!
I played between 4th edition and Mirage, came back again awhile for Invasion until Torment.

Always liked Red Goblin decks and Black discard decks.
I played Magic back in high school. I had a few really good decks. My main two were a blue deck, that used a lot of pingers, then I had a white deck, using Rebels (you can quickly bring more Rebels into play, with those) and Standard Bearers. I also had a green deck that focused on elves (Wellwishers were awesome).

I've not played since high school, though, as I've not had anyone to play against. I recently looked into the newer cards, and it seems they've changed the game a lot. Not so much in the rules, but the newer cards bring new dimensions to the game.

From my white deck, I remember my Wall of Glare/Inviolability/(a Enchant Creature card that grants flying; can't remember the name of the card). That setup was great, as long as I also had my Coalition Honor Guards in play.
I've gotten back into it recently. I use a legacy deck. Red/Green. It has a pretty good mana ramp so that I can get bigger creatures out quickly. Most of my green creatures have trample, and I have some Overrun's in there to help close the game. The red is good for burn spells. The Grinning Ignus is a great mana source. I can tap a red to return him to my hand and add 1 red and 2 colorless to my mana pool. They help to pump up a Fireball.

Anyone play any of the new Zendikar cards? Or the 2010 core set? What does everyone think of planeswalkers?
been playing since 93, the winter after it came out. blue is my fav. i love saying NO, and then taking what i want from you. worked at a shop kinda got burned out for a year or so, but worked it out and still play for fun. started with a group of 30 or so of us and none of them play any more but i have a group of us that still get together and play EDH. so yeah, love it has been a big part of my life, and hope it stays that way
I started in Ice Age and finally took a break at Urza's Saga. Every once in a while i might see a single card that i like and buy it.
I cant knock the new sets. From the reviews i read about them, the game is still balanced using the type2 rules.


Cult Mother and Simpering Cunt
Talk about a blast from the past...I used to play red and white decks. ;-)