madden 13 or NCAA football 13

Depends really on which of the two you prefer in reality...maybe Madden is the better game but if you are more into NCAA than you will probably enjoy NCAA more

That being said, I would choose NCAA mainly because the online dynasty mode is much fun.
What they should do is have a deal where if you buy both of them they are only like 40 dollars each instead of 60.
I would have to say rent them first before you waste your money. I played the NCAA demo on PS3 and it still sucked. Never was a big Madden fan. If someone was going to give me one, I would go with the NCAA though.
I played the demo. I really liked the demo. I watched a couple of videos of NCAA football 13 i really like the presentation. Right now i'm leaning towards NCAA football 13. Madden just seems so generic. But then agian madden is nfl. I'm still on the fence about it.