Heralds a new high or a low in the movie business?
Stars from the golden era of Hollywood might hold considerable clout in the mindspace of the current generation but no technological advancement especially of the nature of trying to revive in artifical form can ever be a substitute for real acting. It undermines the very basis of what is film and patronizes an era that should be left alone and not made a spoof of.
Animation and 3D does require suspension of disbelief and pulls a few strings as far as being able to remotely associate with whats being portrayed but this seems a little to far-fetched. It has the real potential of becoming the biggest joke ever.
I'm being a little skeptical here though we all know George has the technical vision which can pull him out of his lack of story telling and character building skillz. I just hope its in good taste notwithstanding how degenerate the idea sounds.
Heralds a new high or a low in the movie business?
Stars from the golden era of Hollywood might hold considerable clout in the mindspace of the current generation but no technological advancement especially of the nature of trying to revive in artifical form can ever be a substitute for real acting. It undermines the very basis of what is film and patronizes an era that should be left alone and not made a spoof of.
Animation and 3D does require suspension of disbelief and pulls a few strings as far as being able to remotely associate with whats being portrayed but this seems a little to far-fetched. It has the real potential of becoming the biggest joke ever.
I'm being a little skeptical here though we all know George has the technical vision which can pull him out of his lack of story telling and character building skillz. I just hope its in good taste notwithstanding how degenerate the idea sounds.