Looking for really ugly pornstar

The ugliest porn star i have seen so far is a girl name Vandalia, she is fat and all cover up in tatoos true her intire body, here is a face shot. But why would you be intrested in something like this?


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C'mon, Vandalia's not THAT bad..I've seen much worse out there. Some of the 'granny' pornstars must be the ugliest, surely. Or there's some fat old woman who calls herself Momma Fran or something who I can't see anyone finding hot...
Houston can be hot looking AND nasty. If you PAID me to fuck her, I'd never touch that skank. What was her deal a few years back, where she had like 600 guys cum in her, or on her, all in one day?!?! Porn is ONE thing, but that's just downright depravity. YUCK!

In her defense though, I don't think she is even CLOSE to being counted as "ugly," per this thread. I mean, compare her to that Vandalia chick. LMAO :rolleyes: