Looking for More: Titfucking (Cum as Lube, MMF, Double)

I'm looking for more videos of titfucking where one of these things occurs...

1. Guy titfucks after another guy cums on the girls tits using his cum as lube
2. Two guys titfuck the same girl at the same time
3. Guy holds tits together while another guy fucks them

Anything like this?

Here are a few examples...

Guy cums on tits then another guy fucks them (starting at 15:20)
http://www. xvideos .com/video193347/black_diamond_interracial_titty_fuck

Guy cums on tits then another guy fucks them (starting at 0:30)
http://naturalhotness. tumblr .com/post/64385709362/cumbetweentits-another-clip-from-the-boobkake

Just looking for anything else like this.