Looking for Girlfriend to help bring Groceries in


knows petras secret: she farted.
i hate bringing groceries in. for some reason i have a fantasy about me and my girl coming home from the store and having a girlfriend there ready to help bring them in. wearing lingerie is a plus (at least once in a while).

i've proposed the idea to my woman several times over the course of our relationship, and it just sounds like the thing to do.

compensation: i will feed you, entertain you, let you watch netflix and play my video games. you can even pet my cats and a move-in relationship is a possibility.

not looking for love, just for fun. that's what i promised my girl and that's how its gonna play out. after all, i do love the girl.

basically, a bff with benefits that brings groceries in in a sexy way.

this year is going to rock.


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Approved Content Owner
My girlfriend does that, but i don't hire her out, sorry ;)