Looking for erotic writers/female models

Hi, guys!

I am a manager of AdultPhotoShoot.com, a premier website about The Art Of Adult Photoshoot. We publish erotic articles about the greatest behind-the-scenes videos of Penthouse-style photoshoots.

Our readers have recently given us feedback that our articles have become too clinical and too technical, so we are now looking for proper erotic writers. If you are interested, please submit a sample of your writing via: http://adultphotoshoot.com/contact/

If we like your writing, we will put you on our writers mailing list. Periodically, we will send out a link to an exciting behind-the-scenes video of an adult photoshoot. Further instructions on how to submit your article etc. will be in the email. In general, we expect you to write at least 200 words about what you see in the video and how excited it makes you feel. If we publish your article, we will send you $3 worth of Bitcoin.

For a great example of what we kind of writing we are looking for, please visit:

Thank you for your consideration!

Sergei Orlov

P.S. We are always looking for female models in California. If interested, please apply here: