So you're saying that I could pay to have sex with someone with no questions asked?
Huh . . . I'm sorry the concept is new to me, really? You could pay someone to have sex with you? Really??
Really? No really? No ... no really? REALLY?
Wow, that's amazing. It's like the first time I tried DMT. It's like my eyes have truly been opened to the wonders that our world holds and how all consciousness is one being living inside the mind of our fleshy weak bodies just itching to break out and that's why we get headaches. And when we die, our minor part of the outer consciousness being, regroups with its bigger and better self and once we're all a part of it. We will finally be strong enough to defeat the bastard Klingons.
Seriously!?! I can pay someone to have sex with me???????
This really sounds like something people should be doing..... right?
Actually on second though nah! Fuck it.