Lockheed L-1011- Ghost Story

GHOST ENDING- I wanted to make an ending to the Commercial Wide Body Passenger Jet Saga.
As a refresher the Boeing 747 was the first Wide body other than the howard hughes spruce goose.
Lockheed was set to be second but Rolls Royce engine problems put the plane back 2 years.
Mcdonnel Douglas was able to beat Lockheed out with its dc 10.
The Airbus was 4th.

As an ending to a previous thread
Eastern Flight 401, Lockheed L-1011.:angel1:

I know I will catch some flack for this but after the crash they used parts from the plane. Microwave doors, and various parts and most ended up on other eastern airlines L1011 planes. There were pilots and personnel who saw ghosts and apparitions of bob loft the pilot. EAL 401 is the call sign Eastern Airlines Flight number 401. EAL 401 was seen in relation to saving L1011 flights. Apparitions were seen of the dead pilot warning of problems on flights. One image was on a cooker door. They were ferrying a plane back with only 2 of its engines operating. It is ok to do that w / o passengers.

The L1011 in question was making a landing at Mexico City a high altitude airport and a tougher airport to land at. (Thinner Air).

An engine went out so with one not working and another developing probs mid flight, that left only one working engine for a 3 engine plane. That was a difficult landing on only one engine. They also had to fly the plane for a bit to get to mexico city.

Any way apparitions would appear from time to time and eastern did not want that kind of publicity. Finally one happened on a non eastern flight and someone eventually found out it was happening on planes that had left over salvaged parts from EAL 401. The apparitions would appear to protect planes and offer assurances to protect L1011 s. Supposedly it had to do with the sudden unexpected way the pilots died.

I am not to sure about this ghost stuff but EASTERN sent out orders to remove all the EAL 401 parts on various planes that had received them. The sighting ended. And the protection to apparently.:angel1:

The plane was good handling and first to get the auto land zero visability landing certification.

Afterward an L1011 tristar did crash when landing at DFW due to a microburst windshear incident. The arabs had one with some kind of fondue pots or food heating situation that got out of control after takeoff and by the time they landed the craft was on fire and full of smoke and a plane that was landed full of dead people.

Another crashed when a tire failed and blew up mid flight.

New materials and methods were used on the plane and the rb 211 engines. Lockheed thought the new methods and better ground up desisn might enable Lockheed to compete with Boeing 747. Rolls Royce having problems set the timetable back and DC 10 was able to start selling b 4 Lockheed. The 747 was first wide body.
Boeing had engine problems at first they joked they were making gliders. Lockheed made 250 L1011s Douglas 450 DC 10s
L1011 cost about as much as a 747 and dc 10s were cheaper. The dc 10 was just an enlarged version of an older design. Such is the story of the 3 first Wide body US made passenger airliners.
To bad Lockheed was not able to stay on schedule and beat Douglas in first sales.

My dad said Lockheed put L1011 costs on to govt projects.:angel1:
Hey Spaceman (Comet),

:cmon: :lame:


Since when has this become an f*ing airplane site? ...

And the original as written by John Denver:

... The objective here: Porn and chicks ... and every once in awhile :rubbel: :rubbel:

At the same time it became a led zeppelin site. Freedom of speech under the guide lines of our most courteous host FREEONES.

I was thinking of a thread about the SPRUCE GOOSE airplane.