Birthplace Brazil
Years Active 2004-2007
Ethnicity Black/Latin
Nationality/Heritage Brazilian
Hair Colors Brown/Light Brown
Tattoos Right of navel; Woman on left upper leg; Lower back; Red sunburst on right breast around nipple; Spiderweb on left shoulder
Non-Ear Piercings Navel; Right eyebrow
- pseudo-hermaphrodite (never had a phallus but due to her big clit, she was suitable / could pass for a herm in scenes)
Birthplace Brazil
Years Active 2004-2007
Ethnicity Black/Latin
Nationality/Heritage Brazilian
Hair Colors Brown/Light Brown
Tattoos Right of navel; Woman on left upper leg; Lower back; Red sunburst on right breast around nipple; Spiderweb on left shoulder
Non-Ear Piercings Navel; Right eyebrow
- pseudo-hermaphrodite (never had a phallus but due to her big clit, she was suitable / could pass for a herm in scenes)