Lisa Ann HOT but....

damaged skin from being in the sun too much. she's an admitted sun-maniac and that's what happens after a while, sadly :)

at least that's my theory

or maybe you mean the boob-thing? well that's just a sloppy boob job
Hmmm. I bought that movie and was eager to see Lisa's scene. However, these bumps on her tits made me wanna puke. She is a hot chick, but man, that scene was so terrible. I am pretty confident that she did a new boob job that makes her look prettier, so just forget about that incident :)
i guess she must sun tan naked, bc them bumps are in the vag and boob area pretty bad but not in the other parts where sun would hit most like arms and etc
When you say "noticed this" - thats a long list of things wrong in that pic. Saying its bumps doesnt really narrow it down to much, blotches, white dots, horrible horrible boob job....
HAHAHAHAH doa82 , well i like her and her bubble butt but there are weird white skin blotches on her stomache and crouch
Those skin blothes and bumps turn me on. She is too damn hot. I'd give up my whole paycheck to bang her.


i think those spots are from a skin fungus. my hubby use to live in hawaii and he had it before on his chest and back. dandruff shampoo gets rid of it.

interesting, you learn something new everyday

Marlo Manson

Hello Sexy girl how your Toes doing?
Damn!! I don't mean too be an ASS but thats disgusting!! :pukey::throwup:
Let's give her a break folks! Maybe the bumps are some form of braille?
i think those spots are from a skin fungus. my hubby use to live in hawaii and he had it before on his chest and back. dandruff shampoo gets rid of it.
Or maybe she has a form of vitiligo ....
