Lindsay Lohan begins prison term.

Ace Bandage

The one and only.
And not a single fuck was given that day. Honestly, apart from one movie, she's only famous for being a thieving coke whore and driving like a maniac.

^^ Don't feed the trolls.

Yeah, because it's trollish behavior not to care about Lindsay Lohan. :rolleyes:


^^ Don't feed the trolls.

Edit - It's trollish behavior to read the subject line, bomb the thread and run for cover as you so often do. :rolleyes:
Thanks be praised she got her titties out at the beach once more before she went under house arrest.

What a fucking life she has. Steal expensive jewellery, be forced to spend time in your house. I wonder what would happen if I stole the same jewellery? Would I be sentenced to time in her house, too?



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...And now she's out.

Grueling sentence. I'll bet she learned her lesson after that severe punishment. :rolleyes:

Ace Bandage

The one and only.
EDIT: There is no spoon.

Please delete this post. I clicked the wrong button.

Honestly, apart from one movie, she's only famous for being a thieving coke whore and driving like a maniac.

That's not true. Sadly she will also be well known for some time to come as being a colossal waste of potential do her failings and the failings of those around her.

Ace Bandage

The one and only.
That's not true. Sadly she will also be well known for some time to come as being a colossal waste of potential.

No, not really. She never displayed any real acting prowess, her tits just looked good.

Ace Bandage

The one and only.
considering our law enforcement in CA is starstruck, i wont be shocked if shes out of prison by midnite, which is 4 and a half hours from now
You know Lindsay in jail could be a classic porno. She has to fuck her way out of jail. The only problem is well reality.