Lilly Allen lost her baby


Just because a celeb, or in this case, someone who is publically known (Lily Allen is not a celeb!), has a miscarriage or suffers some personal tragedy we are expected to give them sympathy and pretend we give a damn. Yes, the woman has suffered a tragedy but isnt it more disrespectful to slap it over the net and the paper rather than ler her deal with it privately?



Just because a celeb, or in this case, someone who is publically known (Lily Allen is not a celeb!), has a miscarriage or suffers some personal tragedy we are expected to give them sympathy and pretend we give a damn. Yes, the woman has suffered a tragedy but isnt it more disrespectful to slap it over the net and the paper rather than ler her deal with it privately?

I agree with you. It shouldn't really matter to anyone else and it shouldn't be world news, but sadly people just like hearing about celebrity misfortunes, it makes them seem more human, or something?

I don't really like Lily Allen, but she definately is a celebrity, I don't know why you'd say she wasn't...

Vanilla Bear

Bears For Life
Well I didn't say it was a bigger tragedy, because she's a singer or celeb. It's always a tragedy!

I don't know her personally so I can't give her my condolences personally! I know she won't read this, but still I'm sorry for her. That's why I posted it.

And it's news!

You could also ask then why would anyone care if some people die after an earthquake! You can feel sympathy for other people! No matter if you know them or not. No matter if they're celebs or not.

And again, it's NOT a bigger tragedy if it's about a celeb! I hate that, too.

Oh and I just like Lilly Allen. That's why I feel even more sorry for her.


Ooooh look, Roronoa turns up in a thread to disagree with something I said. What a surprise!

A celebrity is a person who is famously recognized in a society or culture.

Her album reached #5 in the US. Strange that people would buy her album if they didn't even know who she was? Also, you know her...

Look what you made me do. I don't even like Lily Allen, and yet here I am defending her against your ignorance.

Why don't you go read some manga.


Its Monday. What manga comes out on Monday?

I can't help it that you are usually wrong and I usually disagree with wrong people.

I only know who she is cause she likes to show people her tits not for any music.
Frankly, I dont feel sympathy towards humans unless I know them personally. We cant go a day without reading about people dying, murdered, killed, shot, stabbed, molested, injured, raped etc

People on tv are just that, images on a screen, numbers, statistics that add up to an amount I can no longer reason with and accept as lost individuals. One, a thousand, one million - there are so many people dying on an hourly basis its beyond comprehension.

I wont even say to a person "I know what you are going through", because I dont. Its a cliche line we end up saying cause we think its what the person wants to hear so they know they arent alone. Maybe Ive been lucky in that I dont know what it feels like, but I wont patronise another by claiming to understand their pain.

Yes, you are right M12 it is a tragedy, but its her tragedy and I dont believe it should involve any member of the random public, its not our business. Why? I simply dont care about anyone I dont personally know, a stranger, a public figure etc, there is nothing I can do to help them and sympathy, bad feelings are as helpful as saying rainbows cure cancer!

Its like when a celeb is diagnosed with cancer, all of a sudden a disease which is already public knowledge, escalates like its just been discovered again. Then we have the obligatory fund raising and I always get to thinking, if a celeb has cancer, why are the public milked for that extra £100,000's when the victim can cough that up like its pocket change.

I probably seem cynnical and uncaring, but I think we each individually have enough on our own plates without the burden of another persons grief. I wouldnt presume to burden the board if I had a problem, who would give a shit if I did? Probably no one and in fairness Id expect that.


Its Monday. What manga comes out on Monday?

I can't help it that you are usually wrong and I usually disagree with wrong people.

I only know who she is cause she likes to show people her tits not for any music.

Shame your mother didn't go through the same thing as Lily...

Ace Bandage

The one and only.
Frankly, I dont feel sympathy towards humans unless I know them personally.

This. I want it on a t-shirt, a bumper sticker, and a placard that I can carry around. I don't give a fuck about random earthquake victims, cancer patients, or starving people.

And I definitely don't give a flying fuck about celebrities. If tomorrow, I was stricken with a life threatening disease, the only people who would care are the ones that I'm closest to. And that's the way it should be.

Please keep on topic, and any further flaming will result in bans....just saying.


You're sexy when you're threatening. Just sayin'...

i want lilly allen inside me



Is somewhere outhere.
You would have thought she had clicked on by now,that your supposed
to get married before you have kids :facepalm:

Sad for the kids but at least they won't have listen to her singing pish :angels: