Liberals, You’re Not as Smart as You Think

By Gerard Alexander

Mr. Alexander is a professor of political science at the University of Virginia.
May 12, 2018

I know many liberals, and two of them really are my best friends. Liberals make good movies and television shows. Their idealism has been an inspiration for me and many others. Many liberals are very smart. But they are not as smart, or as persuasive, as they think.

And a backlash against liberals — a backlash that most liberals don’t seem to realize they’re causing — is going to get President Trump re-elected.

People often vote against things instead of voting for them: against ideas, candidates and parties. Democrats, like Republicans, appreciate this whenever they portray their opponents as negatively as possible. But members of political tribes seem to have trouble recognizing that they, too, can push people away and energize them to vote for the other side. Nowhere is this more on display today than in liberal control of the commanding heights of American culture.

Take the past few weeks. At the White House Correspondents’ Association dinner in Washington, the comedian Michelle Wolf landed some punch lines that were funny and some that weren’t. But people reacted less to her talent and more to the liberal politics that she personified. For every viewer who loved her Trump bashing, there seemed to be at least one other put off by the one-sidedness of her routine. Then, when Kanye West publicly rethought his ideological commitments, prominent liberals criticized him for speaking on the topic at all. Maxine Waters, a Democratic congresswoman from California, remarked that “sometimes Kanye West talks out of turn” and should “maybe not have so much to say.”

Liberals dominate the entertainment industry, many of the most influential news sources and America’s universities. This means that people with progressive leanings are everywhere in the public eye — and are also on the college campuses attended by many people’s children or grandkids. These platforms come with a lot of power to express values, confer credibility and celebrity and start national conversations that others really can’t ignore.

But this makes liberals feel more powerful than they are. Or, more accurately, this kind of power is double-edged. Liberals often don’t realize how provocative or inflammatory they can be. In exercising their power, they regularly not only persuade and attract but also annoy and repel.

In fact, liberals may be more effective at causing resentment than in getting people to come their way. I’m not talking about the possibility that jokes at the 2011 correspondents’ association dinner may have pushed Mr. Trump to run for president to begin with. I mean that the “army of comedy” that Michael Moore thought would bring Mr. Trump down will instead be what builds him up in the minds of millions of voters.

Consider some ways liberals have used their cultural prominence in recent years. They have rightly become more sensitive to racism and sexism in American society. News reports, academic commentary and movies now regularly relate accounts of racism in American history and condemn racial bigotry. These exercises in consciousness-raising and criticism have surely nudged some Americans to rethink their views, and to reflect more deeply on the status and experience of women and members of minority groups in this country.

fuck. them.
I became aware of this during my college years. They cannot survive without being in an echo chamber. I was a bit of a moderate/ social liberal back in the day, college completely turned me into a conservative.
I became aware of this during my college years. They cannot survive without being in an echo chamber. I was a bit of a moderate/ social liberal back in the day, college completely turned me into a conservative.

I was a liberal in my late teens, as much as you can be at that age I guess. I bought into the republicans being "old racist white guys" spiel. But I noticed the type of people who were propagating that stuff vs. what I saw with my own eyes. I think the turning point for me was someone encouraging me to take advantage of my racial background in regards to affirmative action. I grew up a red-blooded american male as far as I was concerned. I never thought of myself as an oppressed minority. maybe cause I grew up with military brats like myself. But yeah, i thought using that to some unfair advantage was bullshit. then moving up to libtard central in seattle. that was a shock to the system. what liberalism really is. And Whittaker Chambers - Witness. fuck. that woke me.

The same thing that Sarah Huckabee Sanders is dealing with now and her boss, he did at his time.
^^^I was like both of you, kinda "in between" in the political sense for a long time. Liberals have made it so I will NEVER vote democrat again.

You created me liberals, now deal with it!!!
political correctness is a tyranny of thought.

I read Orwell's 1984 in 7th grade. It was chilling then but re-read it as an adult and understood how it applied.