Let's ID the Freeforever babes.

You know the ones: http://cdlc-xxx.com/freeforever/

All the series have the same naming sceme: pc####hX where #### is a four digit number and X is a letter of the alphabet. #### ids the babe, and the X her separate series.

I've got names for all of them except for the following:

Anyone got those? And if you need one of the others I can help with that. :hatsoff:
AAaaah, I see what's going on here, we're misunderstanding one another ;) I'm talking about the filenames, by 0054 I mean the filenames, pc0054ha and pc0054hb. That's the girl in 037 and 038..

So when I say rita's 69, that's pc0069ha and pc0069hb, or 053 and 054. :o

Sorry about the confusion, I'll compile a better list.
Ahhhh sorry for all these stupid posts I did^^

I know 89 but just dont remember the name, I'll try to find it. ;)
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Here's a clearer list...

The girls that I need IDd:
ID:             Series number:
pc[B]0054[/B]h  (series 037-038)
pc[B]0056[/B]h  (series 039-040)
pc[B]0057[/B]h  (series 041-042)
pc[B]0062[/B]h  (series 043-044)
pc[B]0076[/B]h  (series 055-056)
pc[B]0081[/B]h  (series 061-062)

Thanks :hatsoff:
Excellent, thank you sir!

That just leaves 0076 and 0081. I'm pretty sure that I found 0076's name once before, but in any case I've lost it since. 0081 is a tricky one, though, never found her.