Lene Hefner

I know she's been forgotten, and I know most people think she's inexpressive, but I lust after Lene Hefner

Anyone got any good pics or links of her? I'd particularly appreciate pics of her in stockings.


Oh man, I love lene, she is one damn fine woman, I have a porno movie with her in it, very sexy. Hard to believe she has been forgotten, but I have not heard much from her latelt. Did she retire?
Hi, Scorpion, glad there's another Lene fan around.

I don't know if she retired, but the last thing I remember seeing her in was "Zazel" when she got her pussy shaved, then tatooed, then fucked:

How can I get a job doing stuff like that??
Count me in. The first porno tape I ever bought had here in it. Sentimental favorite I suppose but she is one fine looking woman. Gone but not forgotten.
Re: Lene Hefner pics or links?

I am not sure whats up with her - but you can find alot of titles and scenes in various p2p forms. I still think she is the hottest looking woman to hit the porn scene although from what I have heard, she has gained alot of weight. Still, in her prime - there was not a finer looking lady around on the xxx scene.
Re: Lene Hefner pics or links?


I dont make alot of requests (in fact I dont think I ever have) but if someone has some nice pics or vids or even links etc etc of this woman - I would be most most grateful - pm me if necessary
