Lena Dunham: every single media portrayal of Hillary Clinton is sexist... wants words banned

Rey C.

Racing is life... anything else is just waiting.

"The way that Hillary Clinton's been talked about in the media is so gendered and rabidly sexist in every single portrayal," Dunham told Variety at the publisher's studio at Sundance Film Festival in Park City, Utah.

"I literally want to make a list that we hand to media outlets that says, 'These are the words you can't use when describing a female candidate: shrill, inaccessible, difficult, frumpy, plastic,'" Dunham added. "If we were allowed to talk about male candidates like that, I'd have a fucking field day. I'd enjoy my life so much."

That's right, Lena... no one has ever made fun of Donald Trump's hair, Chris Christy's weight, Joe Biden's hairline, Mitt Romney's religion, Mitch McConnell's appearance or your boy, Bill Clinton's accent. Every single portrayal of, or comment about, Hillary has been based on sexism and misogyny (the most overused word in the English language in 2015 - and a new record will be set in 2016, I'm sure). Cause, ya know... isn't everything? It's that dar-gone war on women, right? Poor Sista Hillary. Fight on, Hillary. Fight on! :yesyes: Hillary should be immune from any sort of criticism, because Hillary is a special person, deserving of special rules. Good luck on your mission to ban words, burn books or whatever other Nazi-like methods you and those of your ilk are seeking to employ. Might I politely suggest that you go fuck yourself? No? I don't mean to manterrupt you or use micro-aggressions or body shame you or, whatever, but... go fuck yourself, you whiny, talentless windbag. Better that you go fuck yourself rather than molesting your sister again (or so it's said ;)). Hey, you called it experimenting, but most judges in civilized societies call it incest or child sexual abuse.

The problem with feminists is that most of them focus on non-issues and scream "sexism !" every time a male spoke about women. This is why people hate feminists. These are th people who give feminists a bad name

Ace Boobtoucher

Founder and Captain of the Douchepatrol
Rey, you're off my ignore because of this. Well played. Everything you wrote about her can be applied to Hilldebeast. They're both thin skinned evil cunts and I hope all the bad things happen to them and only them.


The secret ingredient? MY BALLS

"The way that Hillary Clinton's been talked about in the media is so gendered and rabidly sexist in every single portrayal," Dunham told Variety at the publisher's studio at Sundance Film Festival in Park City, Utah.

"I literally want to make a list that we hand to media outlets that says, 'These are the words you can't use when describing a female candidate: shrill, inaccessible, difficult, frumpy, plastic,'" Dunham added. "If we were allowed to talk about male candidates like that, I'd have a fucking field day. I'd enjoy my life so much."

That's right, Lena... no one has ever made fun of Donald Trump's hair, Chris Christy's weight, Joe Biden's hairline, Mitt Romney's religion, Mitch McConnell's appearance or your boy, Bill Clinton's accent. Every single portrayal of, or comment about, Hillary has been based on sexism and misogyny (the most overused word in the English language in 2015 - and a new record will be set in 2016, I'm sure). Cause, ya know... isn't everything? It's that dar-gone war on women, right? Poor Sista Hillary. Fight on, Hillary. Fight on! :yesyes: Hillary should be immune from any sort of criticism, because Hillary is a special person, deserving of special rules. Good luck on your mission to ban words, burn books or whatever other Nazi-like methods you and those of your ilk are seeking to employ. Might I politely suggest that you go fuck yourself? No? I don't mean to manterrupt you or use micro-aggressions or body shame you or, whatever, but... go fuck yourself, you whiny, talentless windbag. Better that you go fuck yourself rather than molesting your sister again (or so it's said ;)). Hey, you called it experimenting, but most judges in civilized societies call it incest or child sexual abuse.


Ok, first of all? Hilarious.

What I don't understand though is how "INACCESSIBLE" or "DIFFICULT" are sexist words. I mean, those are non-gender specific, so how the hell is she claiming those words shouldn't be allowed when talking about Hillary Clinton (or any other woman for that matter)? Here, let me demonstrate how those words are NOT sexist...

Having sex with Chris Christie is DIFFICULT because his Ziploc-bag-full-of-spoiled-tapioca-pudding-stomach hangs down past his waist line making his penis completely INACCESSIBLE.

Ace Boobtoucher

Founder and Captain of the Douchepatrol
Having a discussion with Hilldebeast about Benghazi, emails or her terrorizing her husband's rape victims is DIFFICULT because her stonewalling, lying, and belligerence make her INACCESSIBLE.

Ace Boobtoucher

Founder and Captain of the Douchepatrol