People aren't born jihadis. They radicalise because they have the feeling they are under attack because of their religion or that they religous beliefs are under attack
Bin Laden became a jihadi after Saudi Arabia allowed the US to have a military base in the country during the first Gulf War, because, to him, non muslims in saudi arabia, Mohammed's country, was blasphematory. A great number of Daech fighters are people who lost friends or family because of the war in Iraq or in Afghanistan
Radical islam preachers like ot paint the war the "West" is waging against terrorism as a war against islam. This is how they get low life street thugs becoming radical jihadis : by telling them their life can have a meaning, a purpose if they join them and fight for Allah
Before 9/11 and the Afghan War, there was no jihadi terrorism in Europe. But because they joined the fight against talibans first, then Al-Qaeda and now Daech, jihadis are popping up in Europe and the US