Latinos are dumb and will alway be dulb, says conservative study.

Heritage Study Author: ‘Hispanic Immigrants Will Have Low-IQ Children’

The Heritage Foundation’s analysis of the economic consequences of immigration reform uses absurd methodology to come to conclusions entirely at odds with the organization’s own findings in 2006. Perhaps one explanation for this incoherence is that one of the paper’s coauthors, a new hire, opposes Hispanic immigration because he thinks Latinos are stupid.

Jason Richwine joined Heritage in 2010, after finishing his PhD in Public Policy in 2009. The Washington Post’s Dylan Matthews dug up Richwine’s dissertation, which was titled “IQ And Immigration.” In it, Richwine argues that Hispanics have and will always have lower IQs than whites. Matthews summarizes:

Richwine’s dissertation asserts that there are deep-set differentials in intelligence between races. While it’s clear he thinks it is partly due to genetics — ‘the totality of the evidence suggests a genetic component to group differences in IQ’ — he argues the most important thing is that the differences in group IQs are persistent, for whatever reason. He writes, ‘No one knows whether Hispanics will ever reach IQ parity with whites, but the prediction that new Hispanic immigrants will have low-IQ children and grandchildren is difficult to argue against.‘

Richwine concludes from this that American immigration policy should encourage high IQ individuals to immigrate, but limit low IQ immigration: as he puts it, “I believe there is a strong case for IQ selection, since it is theoretically a win-win for the U.S. and potential immigrants.” Since this eugenic language is politically toxic, Richwine advocates dressing it up in the language of “high skill” and “low skill” immigration. As Matthews details, the Heritage report does exactly that.

The study of race and intelligence has long been a problematic area for conservatives. In 1994, conservative pundit Charles Murray wrote a book called The Bell Curve, whose argument that blacks are on-average less intelligent than whites kicked off a critical firestorm. Conservatives since have generally defended Murray (who currently works at the American Enterprise Institute), occasionally citing him to get to some unsavory conclusions. Recently published research does not support the idea that there is an identifiably racial IQ gap, and the difficulty in defining “race” as a biological term makes it hard to pin down an appropriate methodology for studying the question in the first place.

Richwine is not the only author of the Heritage report with questionable views. Robert Rector, the paper’s lead author, was the source for then candidate Romney’s racially charged attack on President Obama’s welfare policy, and has spent his career dismissing the idea that poverty hurts people. On Tuesday, Rector admitted he hadn’t read the whole immigration bill before coauthoring his analysis of it with Richwine.

I'm not sure this is the kind of stuff that can convince latino voters to vote for the Republicans...
The Heritage Foundation is a Conservative think tank. I will worry when a U.S. Senator spouts that nonsense.
Hey, one Conservative said something stupid! Clearly, all Conservatives think this.

Sorry, Johan. You and I see eye to eye on many things, but what you did in this thread is precisely the same bullshit that Sam pulls in his threads.


Well, since IQ is NOT an exact measurement of actual intellectual but rather a measure of environmental acumen, it is connected but isn't ever considered the same thing.
Except by someone trying to twist something someone said which may actually be narrowly correct, but not when misquoted and misinterpreted and placed in a construction totally at odds with what the actual analysis was.
Giving a Mongolian Uzbeck an IQ test from the US for an American student would yield sub-par results, alright, just like an American would being tested on Yurt construction and utilization.
Another transparent Bullshit article from a slanted extremely left just for KoolAid guzzelers similar to Johan website; well, him too. :)
Hey, one Conservative said something stupid! Clearly, all Conservatives think this.

Sorry, Johan. You and I see eye to eye on many things, but what you did in this thread is precisely the same bullshit that Sam pulls in his threads.

Jason Richwine joined Heritage in 2010, after finishing his PhD in Public Policy in 2009. In it, Richwine argues that Hispanics have and will always have lower IQs than whites.
They hired him AFTER he published that shit. It means they agree with it.
They hired him AFTER he published that shit. It means they agree with it.

Barack Obama sat in Jeremiah's church for 20 plus years and he said things just as outrageous during that time. Did he agree with it? I mean before he decided to run for president. A U.S. senate seat doesn't matter. :rolleyes:

I bet you that this guy will no longer be there within a week and it won't take a march on Washington to do it.


Proud member of FreeOnes Hall Of Fame. Retired to
Well, we are looking at a few issues opened up here. IQ tests? They are biased on so many levels. Language and syntax of the questions don't par up for everyone taking the test. Latinos being dumb... judged by who... in what way...? Hey, they ain't too stupid as a collective to try to get into USA. They get here and do what they can to stay and make it profitable. Here's an example.

A landscaping company hires illegals to work. Not only do they learn landscaping but also the business. The workers get together and pool their money to start their own business. Where do they get their first clients from? Their boss. They ask the clients what they pay and cut the price. Same workers doing the same fine work for a lower price. This shit happens in construction too. Dude who originally hired this bunch finds his workers quit and clients move to them. This is not low IQ thinking on the part of the workers by any stretch.

I brought this up once before and will do it again. If you came here through the legal system, why would you support those that come here illegally and didn't go through the work that you did?
Well, we are looking at a few issues opened up here. IQ tests? They are biased on so many levels. Language and syntax of the questions don't par up for everyone taking the test. Latinos being dumb... judged by who... in what way...? Hey, they ain't too stupid as a collective to try to get into USA. They get here and do what they can to stay and make it profitable. Here's an example.

A landscaping company hires illegals to work. Not only do they learn landscaping but also the business. The workers get together and pool their money to start their own business. Where do they get their first clients from? Their boss. They ask the clients what they pay and cut the price. Same workers doing the same fine work for a lower price. This shit happens in construction too. Dude who originally hired this bunch finds his workers quit and clients move to them. This is not low IQ thinking on the part of the workers by any stretch.

I brought this up once before and will do it again. If you came here through the legal system, why would you support those that come here illegally and didn't go through the work that you did?

Some of the smartest people I know are hardworking old salts that do not have any formal education but know how to manage money and have what we call in my part of the world "horse sense"