Last night...


I am a failure to the Korean side of my family
...was out of control.

Anybody else hung the fuck over???

Why yes, yes I am. I did some heavy metal karaoke last night and came stumbling home at 1 in the am and then went to work at 6


Fuck yeah, Notting Hill carnival, started drinking at 10am.

Ace Bandage

The one and only.
I have not been truly drunk or hungover since college. I just can't drink like that anymore.


Member, you member...
No, and the reason is because I hate the feeling.

Like Ghettoworm says, "I don't get hangovers, I get hangarounds. They hang around for days!"
Monday? Nah. The state fair is crazy right now what with all the concerts and all. Fucking bananas. But I have to study. :crying:

I'll dedicate this to all y'all drunks however:



Special Operations FOX-HOUND
The word y'all causes stupidity.