

Was King of the Board for a Day
So I'm going into the eye doctor's on Wednesday to get an assessment for eye surgery (I'm near-sighted), and if all goes well, hopefully to schedule an appointment for it as well. Do you know anyone who's gotten it before and how they liked it, or have you done it yourselves?
My brother did it years ago, and his vision is still perfect. My sister in-law did it recently and she loves it. No problems for either of them.

I would like to do it, but I can't afford/justify it.
Bad vision is cosmetic? That's ridiculous.

I 100% agree.
I would consider a gastric band more cosmetic that eye surgery, yet the gastric band is free.
If you are born with bad vision it isn't your fault, but if you are really fat, that is technically your fault.


Was King of the Board for a Day
I 100% agree.
I would consider a gastric band more cosmetic that eye surgery, yet the gastric band is free.
If you are born with bad vision it isn't your fault, but if you are really fat, that is technically your fault.

I'll agree with that, for the most part. Some people (myself included) can become fat due to unfortunate circumstances beyond their control, but yes, more people are fat than not due to their own lack of control.

My brother did it years ago, and his vision is still perfect. My sister in-law did it recently and she loves it. No problems for either of them.

I would like to do it, but I can't afford/justify it.

I'm lucky enough that I can pay for about half and my dad and aunt agreed to chip in for the other half. Maybe you can get a similar deal from your family?

My uncle got it a couple years ago. He loves it.

Me? I like wearing glasses.

I liked it, up until they fell in the toilet one morning when I was peeing. After that, I couldn't wait until I could get rid of them.

(Glasses in general, I got rid of that pair of course)
got it done 2 years ago.....good investment, I suppose. I didn't have the 'miracle' sight that others testify to, but apparently my vision wasn't as bad as I thought when I had it done (long distance was cloudy, not blurry)


what the fuck you lookin at?
I'd love to get it but it's to fuckin expensive. I should look into weather or not my insurance covers it. I've gotten contacts for free and a huge discount on glasses the past couple years. I'm so sick of fucking with contacts, and glasses are fuckin annoying when it's really hot.
Do it. My father had it done for cataracts, now he no longer needs glasses.
Yeah but eye surgery is cosmetic.

Everything that needs to be done is free.

Everything that will make you look better or you want costs the full ammount, liposuction for example is not free

Can you buy an insurance plan for vision? I have one and lasik would probably cost me something like $100.


what the fuck you lookin at?
While most people have good outcomes, there is always the risk of complications. You only get one set of eyes. Leave them alone.

Do it. My father had it done for cataracts, now he no longer needs glasses.

Mine did too. It didn't cost him a penny!

You are mistaken.

Cataract surgery uses an implant to correct the vision. All patients that have cataract surgery get an implant, but of course a person needs to have a cataract to qualify for cataract surgery. Medical insurance covers cataract surgery because it is a medical diagnosis.

Lasik corrects the vision with a laser.
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My mom had it done about 4 years ago. Worst thing that's ever happened to her. Not only did her vision deteriorate by over 100% (she went from a prescription of 1.30 x to 2.75 x), but her eyes are constantly dry and she has to apply artificial tears repeatedly throughout the day. She used to only need glasses for reading, but since the surgery she has to use them for anything that requires her to focus her vision.


I wanna get it done. I love how optometrists tell you not to get it done. I'm in my mid to late 20's. -2.5 Left and -2.25 Right. I see great up close. Optometrist says if I get it now, in 20 years I will need reading glasses. I bet in 20 years technology will be so good you can get a tune up at 711. I plan to get it, but wanna wait for costs to go down a bit.