Leave yourself out of this and lol.
I added my own anecdotal experience as an addition to my point, not as the substantive element to it. Instead of saying lol, you could probably explain yourself if you feel I'm wrong. (Of course I would also be able to potentially tear apart your reasoning then.)
Here I'll go first, and explain why poor white men are the most disadvantaged group in the US.
I'll agree that well off and even some of middle class white men got it made. They hold most of the positions of power in this country, and hold most of the wealth. They have the most political influence. I don't dispute that for a second. Unfortunately, for some reason it seems there is a huge population of people out there that lump all white men together in getting the perceived benefits that only the more well off of them usually get. It happens in a way that's not often done to minorities. When a poor black, latino, or a person from some other minority group makes it big or gets money society seems to hold them and the poorer among that group as separate entities more. They don't start to think that group is doing well.
Poor white men receive virtually no advantage for being white or a man if they are poor, not in any real one as far as being treated under the law not in the last few decades at least, not in any real one when it comes to employment for almost that long, and when it comes down to it not in any real one in how they are treated by other white men that are more wealthy and elite. A large amount of even the racist and sexist white rich men only look at poor white men and see only what they consider "white trash" and only something that's marginally above the people the are racist and sexist against. Maybe poor white racist might treat them better, but then again they aren't really in positions of power to make that matter that much. The elite out there are not sitting there and thinking, "Golly gee I wonder what I can do to make the lives of the least wealthy white guys better today because they are white and men like us." Of course one could say that all poor face the stigma of being poor and that's very true.
However there is a difference in even that. Poor white men are pretty much the only group where there are no social or governmental institutions to protect them like there is for every other minority. (And in a way poor white men are a minority of their own although if the economy keeps going the way it is now that might change.) They are the one group left in America where we as a society have decided they are on their own. There is no NAACP for them, and if there was even a whiff of something like that being created it would automatically be branded extremely racist. There are no Indian casinos for them. There is no affirmative action for them. There are not grants that can be had because one is either white or a man like there are for women and minorities. Even today there has to be an extraordinary circumstances for a man to win out over his child's mother in a custody case. They are the one group that it's still considered alright to discriminate against by society in general and the law (well I guess rich white men can be discriminated against, but since they already have resources and friends in power it doesn't really effect them nearly as much). They have to outperform minorities and women college applicants that will often be given preference over them even if they aren't as capable or don't test as well. They have to outperform women and minorities at jobs even if those people don't have qualifications that are as good or don't perform as well. Even with quotas not being allowed affirmative action makes it so employers are often hesitant to let go of a minority or they will hire one just so it looks good on a stat sheet somewhere.
The thinking of some is that because white men have all their advantages in life that those things are used to level the playing field,...except a gigantic portion of white men, mostly the poorer of them, never had any real advantage and that leaves them in the position of getting screwed over. I'm not saying minority groups or women have it good, because in a lot of cases especially for minorities it's still pretty bad for them. That doesn't mean there aren't people that have it worse or at least have less advantages were it allows a very good chance for that to happen.
Yes, there was a portion of time in our country's history where poor white men weren't the worst off people. That has more to do with how terrible others were treated than how they had it though. Women were treated like second class human beings and minorities were treated in what only can be described in a cruel, inhumane, and evil manner. Yes, some of those events happened a short enough time ago there are still people alive that lived though it. Yes, white men were the cause of that. Because they generally ruled the most advanced parts of the world for the last couple of last thousand years white men were the cause of many bad things. I'm not them. I'm me. I demand to be judged by the content of my character as an individual. I refuse to be held to account for things I not only didn't do, had nothing to do with, don't agree with and think were wrong, but for things I wasn't even alive when it happened. I don't think anybody else should be held to that kind of standard either.
Which leads me to anther point. Because white men have ruled most of the advanced world and this country for so long and did things they shouldn't have the white men that are here now here ether have guilt by association placed upon them from much of society because of some superficial resemblance they have of people from the past and/or poor white men are assumed to have gained something from that, even though if the condition their life is in is any indication that's pretty laughable. Others get judged by what other people that look like them now and in the past have done. They don't have most of history's failing put on them though.
The problem is we don't judge people individually. Instead of moving on to judging people individually based on merit, ability, determination, dedication, what their character is like, or what their individual economic circumstance is we have switched discrimination of one type of people to another who don't deserve. We do it in a nonsensical way that we somehow think is going to make things better. If somebody is individually judged to either rightfully deserve or need something more than I do that's one thing. I can except and understand that. To have advantages being given because they belong to a group that looks one way and while I'm another is something else.
Please, tell me how being a white male while being poor is so much of an advantage to me. Tell me of all those advantages I supposedly have over anybody else.