Kushner Used Private Email To Conduct White House Business


Three lullabies in an ancient tongue
I assume we'll be hearing the President call for his son-in-law to be locked up in jail....I mean, since he is so fair in his approach to such issues. I can already hear the chants at his Nuremberg-style rallies that he loves so much....


President Donald Trump’s son-in-law, Jared Kushner, occasionally used his personal email account to communicate with colleagues in the White House, his lawyer said Sunday.

Between January and August, Kushner sent or responded to fewer than 100 emails from White House officials from his private account, attorney Abbe Lowell said in a statement.

“These usually forwarded news articles or political commentary and most often occurred when someone initiated the exchange by sending an email to his personal, rather than his White House, address,” Lowell said.

The attorney said Kushner, a key aide to Trump, uses his White House address to discuss White House and that any non-personal emails have been forwarded to his official account and preserved.

Politico first reported Kushner’s use of a private email account.

The use of personal email to discuss government business is a politically freighted issue that factored prominently in last year’s presidential election.

Hillary Clinton faced an FBI investigation for much of her unsuccessful White House bid over her use of a private email server as secretary of state. Former FBI Director James Comey said that though Clinton and her aides were “extremely careless” in their handling of classified information, there was no evidence that anyone intended to break the law. He recommended against prosecution.

Trump argued during the campaign that Clinton deserved to be prosecuted and has continued to suggest that even after being elected president. At a political event in Alabama on Sunday, he responded to supporter chants of “lock her up” by saying, “You’ve got to speak to (Attorney General) Jeff Sessions about that.”

Absolutely no difference between a email ACCOUNT subject to FOIA requests and or subpoenas and a private email SERVER that is not.

Come on man.

You know better than this.


Three lullabies in an ancient tongue
My point is the hypocrisy. Do you think for one minute that Trump supporters would see the difference? :dunno:


Hiliary 2020
I heard she was also using her email account to play Call Of Duty 11: The Libyan Offensive.
Wasn't a very fun game though. No soldiers on the ground. No Libyans fought back.
You just flew over the country dropping bombs on civilians for 6 months and destroying everything in sight.

What was that? It wasn't a video game?

What? (I'm talking to an empty chair now).
If it wasn't a video a game and it was real then that would be crimes against humanity,war crimes, just like Hitler did right?
Mass murder.
What? No, it's different because it was the USA doing it and everything they do no matter how horrendous it is is ok because the US News Media says so? Only other countries do horrible things you say?
Ok, thanks . Oh, I didn't get your name?
Hello? He's gone.
Who are you!
Hillary using a private email server was the worst national security infraction in history, and she should be hanged for megatreason. The Kush, trump, trump, Priebus and Bannon all using private email accounts is perfectly fine and normal, and certainly doesn't make it look like they have anything to hide. I mean come on, don lies awake at night in cold sweats over how close the country came to annihilation over Cinton's emails, do you really think he'd be so stupid, or arrogant, or just straight up contemptuous of his base, to do almost the same thing?

You have to be consistent in how you judge these things.
now now!!! listen to me, Kushner is a man and therefore he can get away after using private e mails. But remember Hillary Clinton is a woman and that B**ch should be put away in jail for good.


Kushner: Trump knew Birtherism was a LIE but ‘Republicans are STUPID and They’ll buy it’


Will E Worm

Hillary did worse and she is not in jail.

Laws have to apply to everyone equally or no one has to follow the law.

Not defending Kushner. I would rather have Bannon.

Absolutely no difference between a email ACCOUNT subject to FOIA requests and or subpoenas and a private email SERVER that is not.

Come on man.

You know better than this.

He should know better. ;)