Kurt Cobain

Brilliant songwriter?

Overrated trash?

Historically important?

Just some guy that made some mediocre albums and killed himself?

No poll. Discussion is encouraged.

Rey C.

Racing is life... anything else is just waiting.
Still dead, as far as I know...


Lord Dipstick
Brilliant songwriter.

At that time, not too many were mixing sing along choruses and hooks a la The Beatles with the riffs and song strutcures of Black Sabbath.

Historically important for singlehandidly killing L.A. Metal and Michael Jackson's hold on the charts, with one album.

My :2 cents:

Ace Boobtoucher

Founder and Captain of the Douchepatrol
When I first moved to Vegas back in the 90's I visited the Hard Rock Hotel and was looking around at all the memorabilia. There was a whole wall with shitty fan mail poems dedicated to Cobain and I was intent on reading it when I was approached by a casino hostess who was dumb enough to ask if I had any questions. I asked why wasn't his shotgun in the collection?


Was King of the Board for a Day
One of the big factors in grunge spilling into the mainstream (despite his best efforts), but an average musician at best and overrated figurehead to thousands of Generation Y teenagers.
I think nostalgia and his premature death puts him on a far greater pedestal than his actual musical ability. However he was a good song writer, and like someone earlier said, was the figurehead for a generational shift in musical tastes, bringing people back into guitar music again and paving the way for bands like Pearly Jam and Pavement.

In terms of musical significance I think he is an important chapter in the evolution of music and should never be forgotten. But to simply dismiss him on pure musical talent is to miss the point entirely. After all the Sex Pistols were not great musicians either.
Yeah, if he was still alive, he'd be irrelevant now. He was great at what he did - writing for that very narrow genre - but not a superstar in any other way. He was moderately influential, but again, I don't think people would be talking about him much if he were still alive. He died at his peak, so it's easy to postulate that his career would have continued like that, but, let's face it, that's incredibly unlikely.

He wrote pretty good songs. He was decently talented. He died young, and riding the wave of success. I think it's time to move on.

But, that's just my opinion.


knows petras secret: she farted.
they put his music on guitar hero.

exactly what he didnt want to happen.

i feel bad for him. i really do.
Good,I guess,but very overrated.

Let's face it,Nirvana was just doing what The Pixes had been doing for years beforehand.Hell,Curt use to fantasize about being in The Pixies.
He was all right. I like a few of their songs but Nirvana weren't a part of my youth and as such I think some of the nostalgia that plays into his legacy is lost on me. I recognise of course that he had talent and was pretty influential on the bands that followed.
Look at the legacy they left behind and the countless number of people they inspired. That doesn't happen to mediocre bands.
Look at the legacy they left behind and the countless number of people they inspired. That doesn't happen to mediocre bands.

Sure it does. Look at the Beatles. Mediocre, but cultural icons. Not unlike Cobain. Meh musician, but leading the counter-cultural revolution. puts them in a different class of "influential."
Sure it does. Look at the Beatles. Mediocre, but cultural icons. Not unlike Cobain. Meh musician, but leading the counter-cultural revolution. puts them in a different class of "influential."

Come on, The Beatles were much more than mediocre. They completely revolutionized music.