Kristina Rose (Which Scene)

Saw an amazing compilation on Youtube called "Ass Titans Vol2 Compilation".
Someone helped me already out finding the Names of almost all the Girls in it.

The Girl appearing in: 1:17-1:20, 1:51-1:53, 4:29-4:35, 5:22-5:26 just fucking blew my mind.

My Question: Is it really Kristina Rose? If yes, most most most important which Scene?

I've been searching a while now and couldn't find the scene.
Thanks in advance!

Here's the link to the video:
Hey woohachi, I'm the one who gave you the initial identifications for your video, including my guess that your mystery girl was Kristina Rose...

I did some more digging, and it turns out I was's Kristina, from Latin Asses #2...see the pics and first part of the trailer attached below...