KILLZONE 2 Friday!!!

i beat the game last night. was fucking sweet.

i'd say that it probably has the best graphics and overall feel to a game i've ever seen. so realistic.

one thing that i found, tho, was that the control seemed slower and a little more sluggish than i was used to. (i played a shitload of Call of Duty 4 so it was a bit slower than i was used to.)

i fixed this by increasing the sensitivity of the analog sticks and it's perfect now.

the multiplayer is awesome, too. can't wait to play it some more.

game is awesome, and worth every penny.
actually, scratch what i said about the controls.

i was just playing it again online for the last 3 hours and switched back to the default controls.

i'd say the control is best left set at the defaults.
Im glad the controls take some getting used to. There nothing worse than going into a game and knowing all the controls so that you walk straight through it. I like a learning curve to games.
I fucking love this game if anyone ever wants to play send me a psn message don't worry I'm not good my psn is SeanBlitzer