OMG Guys
I did it!!! I cant believe it!!! I challenge anyone to do I really do! I cant even walk today! I think the hardest part for me was the 3rd hour where we had to run up and down 2 different sand dunes that were 5 times taller than me... we had to do 20 in 18 minutes! I was struggling and 2 laps behind everyone but they were all cheering and holding my hand saying think of the Breast Cancer, Truely an emotional and bonding experience. It has been a complete eye opener as you have to be mentally willing to do this and you must be a team player as when it comes down to the tough moments its your team that keep you going. Trust me some MEN rang out of the challenge in the 1st hour. I am not going to lie I was tempted but I was doing it for Breast cancer and all of the amazing support and donations I have had, and thinking of all the emails I have had about your stories truely kept me going. The whole time I kept thinking 'Kerry theres people out there fighting Cancer now you man up and complete these 4hrs of Hell to fight for them'
The sea was brutal, Doing Diver Bombs, Press ups and sit ups in freezing Irish sea is not fun and then being told to run and then go onto the sand under nets on ur tummy whilst soaking wet is horrid. Doing 50 press ups with Sand bags on ur bag... Crawling on your tummy the full length of the beach after 3 1/2 hours of endurance. Having the Chiefs tease you with chocolate and tea and you not being able to answer back or quit unless you want to walk away having not competed it is hard!! Also the whole time we were only allowed 2 x 60 second water breaks .... Awlfull. No resting, no saying you cant finish the sets, lifting and dragging big fuck off logs!!! But at the end I felt like a new person (Apart from being so frozen I couldnt get my clothing off hahah) Its an eye opener and makes me see things a whole lot differently. I am certainly going to re-attend hellweekpt and I am going to do a Half Marathon. I want to help charities as much as possible - Its the least I can do!
After the challenge we all went out and got shit faced... and I ate ALOT!!!!
My donation page is still open for another Month, I have raised over £1000 for Breast Cancer so thank you all so so much!!!! If you wish to donate you can do here
Here is what HellweekPT wrote :
Class 005 - Challenge Secured...
by Hellweek Pt on Sunday, 06 March 2011 at 22:19
Today was a momentous occasion for Hellweek PT and its message to changing people’s attitudes towards life.
The morning of Sunday 06th of March 2011 started off very early for the HWPT management team, it actually kicked off on Saturday, but from 0800 the team was on the beach setting up the quarterdeck and getting things ready for the arrival of the candidates.
LT was expecting 96 people to turn up and take on the challenge, of that number he knew 9 had already dropped out, 3 of them forcefully due to injury or illness. He wasn’t exactly expecting what happened that morning, but there was an inkling of something close to it.
Masses of bodies started to arrive on Mornington Beach in County Meath on Ireland’s east coast at 1000hrs and to make a long story short, it was not the number that was expected.
Of 96 people expected 57 turned up, 2 left straight away before the challenge even kicked off reducing the number 55. That was a total of 41 DOR’s and an official ring of the bell was given for each person as their name was called out and they didn’t fall in!
At 1100hrs, the divisions fell in and the challenge began.
8 minutes into it, pain was already etched on peoples faces, from push-ups to flutter kicks, from squats, to sugarcookie rolls, from x-cross butterflies to pull-ups, 55 people were tested to their limits for the first 60 minutes.
It was 10 minutes into hour two that we got our first DOR and then our second, then it was a steady stream of DOR’s throughout hours 2 and 3. In total 13 people chose to DOR.
The one thing that got to people was the cold, but it was those that were mentally tough that pulled through. The team work was superb, and if Chief Maher wasn’t giving poor Candidate Smith or Mathers a hard time, it was Senior Chief Guilfoyle teasing tormenting with chocolate and tea and coffee for anyone that would ring the bell! There were so many refusals to ring the bell today, but in the end, many of those there knew them selves that they weren’t going to last.
HWPT is not just a challenge, it’s a journey! One of mental and physical preparation, you have to be willing to work hard but you have to be realistic too, if your body can’t hack it, you gotta find the strength in your mind to push through and make your muscles work.
The one aspect that killed everyone today was the whistle phase and it was something that very few people were expecting, despite it clearly being laid out in the handbook! One Whistle, two whistles, one whistle, three whistes, four whistles, one, one, two, four, one, one, two, three, one, two, one, two, one, four….everyone was feeling the pressure and exhaustion, but they found it immensely rewarding to finish the challenge in the end.
It’s very hard to describe everything that took place today, but I will get it down on paper over the next two to three days, I have so many “snap-shots” in my mind of moments when people thought we were just absolutely nuts, but the one thing that will stand out in my mind forever about today was Division 3 and their effort on the Sea Phase of Evolution 2! Their GC made them stay coherent, they worked hard and the circuits were fast and furious, from divebomber push-ups, to flutter kicks to jack-knife situps all in the surf, all 3 divisions worked extremely hard despite the cold and water!
The surf-bobbing was also something that stuck out in my mind as a moment when everyone began to gel as teams. With the sound-off going from right to left/ north to south and back again, it was fantastic to see people still smiling despite their extremities and organs screaming inside!
The dunes were tough everyone said; of course they’re tough
That’s the whole point! But you all did superb.
For each person in that challenge today, there was something different for each one that was their own “personal” nemesis; whether it was flutter kicks or Divebombers, shuttle runs with sand-filled ammo boxes, or doing sit-ups and bench pressing logs… there was something difficult for everyone.
I can safely say that Class 005’s journey was equally comparable with Class 004’s, everyone came away with the same sense of achievement, some leaders were born, others didn’t succeed so well here but tried their best in most cases, but everyone that was standing at the end were there for the same reason as with each class before: They made a choice!! That was all it was! A choice to stay and fight where others chose flight!
I commend each and every one of you that turned up on the day; you made it worth while for LT and the team. All your positive comments are held in the highest regard and it is a pleasure to help you along this journey.
To Mark Egan, whose lifestyle has changed based on HWPT, a big congratulations to you on completing something that you set out to complete since Christmas 2010. You gave up alcohol for your training, you changed your diet, you trained hard and furious, you took the advice offered and you prepared your self as best you could. You arrived on the final day, stepped up and performed – you made the choice way back then, and you stuck to it! Hold you head high and keep moving forward, please pass on the HWPT message to your friends and we look forward to seeing you again in the future.
To Imogen Love (a.k.a KerryLouise) and Victor Heath, massive amount of respect for making the journey from England and taking part and completing. Hoping that your efforts for BreastCancer support are made all the more worthwhile and that you get much more sponsorship in, don’t let this be the end now!! Keep moving forward, keep fighting and NEVER quit!
To the lass who drove ALL the Way from Galway, those that came from Offally, Donegal, Waterford, Northern Ireland and the midlands; What a group, What a Ship’s Company, What a trio of Divisions´! Ye made amazing Boat Crews and it was amazing to see the looks on your faces when it was all over!
As Chief Maher dismissed the class with the words “Class 005, Challenge Secured!”, the rapture of cheering showed that you all enjoyed and that despite having absolutely nothing left if the tank, ye all had smiles on your faces!
Give a big thanks to your Divisional GC’s: Eoin Stanley, Kieran McLelland, Sean McElroy and Dione McGuigan.
Give a pat on the back to your crew leaders, they know who they are!
Give a major shout out to your XC – Mr. Gary Lundy! He was superb today and LT, Senior and Chief were very impressed with his work today, today’s class was a major success on his part.
HWPT promises that you will: 1) get a measure of your character, 2) learn teamwork, 3) develop new leadership and decision making skills, 4) join a unique brotherhood and 5) make you realise that you can have fun while undergoing immense physical and mental difficulty. It can be truly said that the HWPT crew most certainly proved that today.
Class 005 – your challenge, is most certainly secured, and remember;
The only easy day, was yesterday…