Are you seriously butthurt because I gave you some of your own attitude back?
Before responding to you, I clicked your post history and I could see you being a somewhat negative person in various threads so yeah, when you talk shit about a site I run or a girl that is putting herself out there, a response was more than warranted. Sorry if you didn't see this coming.
If you scroll up for us, you'd see me
not replying to most comments made. I respond to someone asking question on Nov 24 last so no, I don't respond to every post. I respond when needed and when someone is being a knob... yup, response time.
As for customer service, we kick ass for our customers. We just don't take shit, sorry. What we are, is a network of sites that works hard for it's members. Our members take note as well, which would most likely detail why our rebills are up 75% over the past 2 years. From 2012 to right now, we've more than doubled our membership numbers. As in, more than
TWICE the people are current, active members than were in 2012 at this same point. I'd say we're doing alright and our members love what we're doing, wouldn't you? We work hard, but that doesn't mean we sit back and smile when someone isn't kind towards one of our ladies.
We're all here trying to have a good time and sure, what one model does may not be what is right for you. I get that totally. If I go into a thread on ____________ (fill in model name here) you won't find me posting because she's doing something I don't approve of. What's the point of that? Hell, I'm lucky enough she's doing anything online! Cam models have been having the sex with dildos for as long back as I can remember. I didn't know it was a travesty or worthy of a ERMAGAWD post.
Happy holidays by the way.
small correction - I don't have a girlfriend. If I did, fairly sure my wife wouldn't put up with my shit.