Kathy Griffin

She is SO WAY FU@kN' hot! You know she has a freaky side in bed.
I'm not going to rag on anybody who wants to fuck her, because I can totally appreciate that, especially if it kept her quiet. But I was watching her show briefly last night and saw her exercising with no makeup. She's ugly. Scary ugly.
All those pictures posted are meant to be tongue-in-cheek bimbo-style, if you understand what I mean.
Any picture that isn't styled and edited, she's not sexy. But on those pictures, I'd hit her. And maybe, just maybe, her annoying personality and constant talking makes me wanna mouth fuck her badly ;)
I bet she's ascreamer

No, I bet she's one that acts annoyed and highly put-upon to be letting you near her body. I bet "GET OFF!" would come up at some point. She'd only fuck a man if she could get something out of it.

And all those pictures are HUGELY photoshopped. Even with all her plastic surgery she's still years past being even a little pretty.