Kathleen Kane will probably be nominated for US AG or SCOTUS if Hilldebeast wins.

Ace Boobtoucher

Founder and Captain of the Douchepatrol

Wait a minute. Her brother is Hilldebeast's running mate. If that asshole is elected how fast will Kane be pardoned? I had to read five fucking articles before I found a couple that mentioned she is a democrat. If it had been say, the AG of Texas, the media would be plastering that shit all over the place.

I can't believe the governor of PA hasn't asked for her reservation yet. Then again he is a liberal douchenozzle.

Wait a minute. Her brother is Hilldebeast's running mate. If that asshole is elected how fast will Kane be pardoned? I had to read five fucking articles before I found a couple that mentioned she is a democrat. If it had been say, the AG of Texas, the media would be plastering that shit all over the place.

I can't believe the governor of PA hasn't asked for her reservation yet. Then again he is a liberal douchenozzle.

She's Kathleen KANE. He's Tim KAINE. Good lord. You conservatives are getting more and more unhinged by the day :facepalm:

Rey C.

Racing is life... anything else is just waiting.
After typing her name into Google News, it seems that she's as corrupt as the day is long... and has been for awhile. All the stories at the top of the Google page listed her as a Democrat. So I don't know about that. But anyway...

Another thing that I found (because above all else, I'm a horndog at heart), the crooked MILF has an identical twin sister (the woman to the left in the background below). Once she gets out of jail, I suggest that she go into porn, and take the name Felony Kane. One long scene with her, the twin sister and my secret girlfriend, Michele Bachmann... oh yeah, that's what I'm talkin' about!
