RIP to this poor woman but it turns out that the right wing media has failed to point out was that the round that killed her was a ricochet with the initial impact being 80 ft. away. So unless the perp was legally blind, first degree murder was off the table. Should he have been here to begin with? No. But as far as the jury in his murder case is concerned, I don't see what other verdict they could have come up with other than manslaughter or negligent homicide and that's iffy considering his claim of an accidental discharge.
interesting that Hannity and others never mention that it was a ricochet which KIND OF makes a difference. Based on their description, I always thought that the perp took square aim on her back.
interesting that Hannity and others never mention that it was a ricochet which KIND OF makes a difference. Based on their description, I always thought that the perp took square aim on her back.