Justice Dept. Green-Lights Prosecution of John Edwards!

Jon S.

U.S. Justice Department Green-Lights Prosecution of John Edwards for Alleged Campaign Law Violations Tied to Affair Cover-Up
Source: ABC News The United States Department of Justice has green-lighted the prosecution of former presidential candidate John Edwards for alleged violations of campaign laws while he tried to cover up an extra-marital affair, ABC News has learned.

A source close to the case said Edwards is aware that the government intends to seek an indictment and that the former senator from North Carolina is now considering his limited options. He could accept a plea bargain with prosecutors or face a potentially costly trial.

Edwards has been the focus of a lengthy federal investigation focusing on hundreds of thousands of dollars allegedly provided by two wealthy supporters. The government will contend those were illegal donations that ultimately went to support and seclude his mistress, Rielle Hunter.

Hunter was a campaign videographer with whom Edwards had a lengthy affair that resulted in a daughter, Frances Quinn Hunter, now three years old.

If the case were to proceed to trial, legal experts said, the government would have to prove that the intent of the donations was to cover-up the affair so that Edwards could continue his pursuit of the 2008 Democratic nomination for president.

The government's case against Edwards is expected to rely heavily on Andrew Young, a former close aide to Edwards who falsely claimed paternity of Hunter's child three weeks before the Iowa caucuses.

Young testified before a grand jury for nine hours in 2009, and also wrote a tell-all book that alleged Edwards was the mastermind of a well-funded, well-orchestrated plan to keep the affair from becoming public.

Edwards acknowledged paternity of the child last year, but has steadfastly maintained that he has broken no laws.
Guess we'll see how this plays out.

Ace Boobtoucher

Founder and Captain of the Douchepatrol
Maybe it'll put the fear of God into the rest of the pricks in D.C.


I'd much prefer to see johnny ride off into the sunset never to be seen or heard from again, really, I don't hold a grudge against the man. . . let him be, leave him alone and his conscience will take care of the rest. We don't need to prosecute this guy.

Marlo Manson

Hello Sexy girl how your Toes doing?
Great more ridiculous, unimportant misuse and waste of TAX PAYERS $$$.. I say use that money to fix and secure our Social Security, Medical, Economic, Crime Fighting systems and issues in the USA.. or help all the ravished Devastated regions of all the Disasters we've encountered this spring.. The GOP always complaining of BIG SPENDING well this is exactly that on nothing IMPORTANT IMHO.. :2 cents: