RIP sir. And thank you.
RIP sir. And thank you.
RIP sir. And thank you.
Seriously, this means President Obama can nominate another liberal judge instead to sit in the Supreme Court. What will the Republican controlled Congress do?
Stay classy. No condolences or solemnity, its straight to partisan politics.
Stay classy. No condolences or solemnity, its straight to partisan politics.
I have no idea what kind of justice President Trump will nominate but that old hag Ginsburg is past her expiration date.
Pearls among swine.
If so, get ready for civil war.
Although I disagreed vehemently with the way he interpreted our laws, I did admire his brutal candor in a grudging sort of way. May he rest in peace and may Obama get his replacement appointed without any unnecessary delays.
Will, for some reason I decided to read this article, I will never get those wasted minutes back Will.
Will, for some reason I decided to read this article, I will never get those wasted minutes back Will. This article is still referencing the following "Jade Helm Forces Have Been Deployed and Are Awaiting Orders".
That big military training exercise that lots of far right wingers believed the government was using to declare martial law, and of course, to take all our guns away. You know the one, the military exercise that turned out to be a military exercise.
Will, many of us here have started growing concerned about your well being. For your sake, and ours Will, please start taking your medication. :thumbsup:
Really great news for the U.S.A.
Although I disagreed vehemently with the way he interpreted our laws, I did admire his brutal candor in a grudging sort of way. May he rest in peace and may Obama get his replacement appointed without any unnecessary delays.