Just Cut It Out With That Corny "Peace!" & "Peace Out!" Crapola!

Look, if you're having your picture taken and don't know what to do with your hands maybe try sticking them in your pockets. Also, when leaving say "Goodbye", "So long", or even "Take it easy". No need to try to impress people acting like Kevin Federline, OK?



I never say goodbye when leaving unless I never intend on coming back around. I normally just give a simple "later" or "see ya later".
I never say goodbye when leaving unless I never intend on coming back around. I normally just give a simple "later" or "see ya later".

I always make sure to say "goodbye" and "I love you" along with a hug just in case I never see them again, whether that be my proctologist or the pizza delivery person.


FO Admin - 19 Cents of Magical Cock (her/shey)
Staff member
A nice gypsy curse works well when taking your leave if you ask me.