What about the greed, morality and decency of someone, who wants 25-30 dollars/euros for showing up non-nude ?
What about the larger picture of economy, where people steal, because membership prices are too high for their incomes and the value is not enough for the money ?
Who's forcing you to buy a membership to her site?
This isn't food, shelter, clean water or warm clothing. It's ENTERTAINMENT. If you feel it's too expensive, don't buy it. Period.
But this STILL doesn't justify stealing or pirating her materials. I can't afford a ferrari. Does this mean I'm justified in stealing one from the local dealership?
Using your logic, one piece of bread or one can of beer could be 100 $ and that would be still right.
No, we are talking about an ENTERTAINMENT site here, not an essential function required to sustain our bodies.
Or most would argue...
It all comes down to people's individual sense of entitlement. Some folks believe that they shouldn't have to pay for ANYTHING and are entitled to take whatever they want without repercussion or regard for others.
I call THAT "greedy, immoral and indecent."
Welcome to Earth, I suppose.