Nice 1937 Hindenburg reference.
Most of my input on anything election related is a product of me thinking (knowing actually) that the elections are 100% rigged and presidents are chosen usually years before they hit the scene.
1980 didn't need rigging because anyone could have beaten Carter at that point. But the CIA forced Reagan to put Bush I as his VP then what do you know, he gets shot 2 months in by the mentally disturbed son of one of the Bushes rich oil buddies. WOw!
But I'm sure it was just a co-ink-ee-dink. Jodie Foster was it? That's the ticket.
By time Bush I's 3 terms were up they already had a major player in the cheap cocaine importation which created the crack epidemic and a career criminal and rapist by the name of Bill groomed to be in for the next 8 years.
Then we got 2 more terms of Bush I in the guise of his monkey face son until 2008.
During that time they groomed a guy named Soetoro and gave him a brand new identity and background along with a fake family and we got 8 years of that person.
Thats 28 years of the same powers in power.
By the time Barry was through most Americans were waking up from their pod of goo and pulling that co-axial out of the back of theyre head.
Thats when The Big Boys said
"ok CIA/Bush/Clinton dynasty you've had your fun and have gotten filthy rich, we'll take it from here" and they installed Trump under the lie that he was going to save us all by draining the swamp. locking her up, and making it great again.
Oh I seem to have gotten off track a bit.
In a nutshell- Biden is no fun. With Biden as PREZ they can't manipulate us very much. He's like a photocopied facsimile of a cardboard cutout.
A one dimensional character.
He's out. He never was in.