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Jews aren't "settling" in the West Bank, they are going home

One of the biggest lies about the Israeli-Arab conflict is that Israel is taking lands from "Palestinians" (a name for a people without their own language or any prior claim to statehood), and "colonizing" them as "settlers". The actual truth is that Jews have lived in what is called the West Bank for thousands of years.

It is commonly known that when Israel captured the West Bank in 1967, Jews started to move there and establish communities. But what many people don't know is that prior to 1948, Jews had been living in the West Bank for a long time. But after 1948, none were left to be found, because they had all been killed or driven out by the Arabs.

Let me repeat that. Arabs (Specifically the Jordanians and their local helpers) ethnically cleansed the West Bank of Jewish people in 1948. Thousands were driven from their homes. Jewish people who moved back in 1967 were not the occupiers; they were the victims, trying to reclaim their land.

Would anyone think that Jews trying to reclaim their homes in Germany and France after the Holocaust were "settlers"? No, but descendents of massacres in the West Bank are called that precisely that by John Kerry and Barack Obama, who view them as the aggressors and the descendents of the Arabs who drove them out as the victims.

For simplicity sake I have been calling this disputed territory the "West Bank", but to Jews it is called "Judea", as in the Jewish name "Judah". Isn't it a coincidence that Jews, who supposedly have no connection to this territory, have a name for this territory that is thousands of years old?

Some historical facts:

In Hebron, the Jewish community existed throughout the centuries of Ottoman rule, until the massacre during the Arab rioting of 1929. Such settlements as Neve Ya'acov and the Gush Etsion block were established under the British Mandatory Administration, which allowed Jewish settlement in these areas. Even though British Mandate Authorities, particularly in the latter period of the Mandate, were not sympathetic to the Zionist cause, they nevertheless permitted the establishment of Jewish settlements in all areas west of the Jordan River, implementing the League of Nations Mandate.

There had been Jewish communities and dwellers in the West Bank long before 1967 or even 1948. In, for example, Hebron and Gush Etzion, both sites of massacres by Arabs in which large numbers of Jews were killed. Kfar Etzion and other villages in the Jerusalem-Bethlehem corridor, fell to Arab forces in May 1948 and those captured were massacred. Sons and daughters of Jews who lived there until 1948 were the first to return after the 1967 war.

The land belonged to Jews. Near Jerusalem, for example, Palestinians describe Gilo as a neighborhood built on "West Bank land annexed to Jerusalem" that they consider an "illegal Jewish settlement". Suddenly Gilo, an integral part of Jerusalem proper for years, seems subject to negotiation, at least in the public mind. As to the "illegality" of Gilo, the vacant land in the Gilo area was purchased, before World War II, by a group of young Jewish lawyers, including Dov Yosef, who later became one of David Ben Gurion's most important advisors and government ministers. When the land was taken back from the Jordanians in 1967, it was returned to its owners.

Another myth: that Jews are kicking Arabs out of their homes in the West Bank. Nothing could be further from the truth. For the most part, Jews have created communities on completely empty land.

The Jewish settlements have been established only on:

Land in pre-existing Jewish communities, or
Land that was unowned (that is, was previously controlled by Jordan and had no private owner), or
Land purchased from established owners.
The propagandistic idea of Palestinian Arabs being "forced out" is not the case. Much land was still empty or underutilized. Many Jews bought the land or dwelling they moved to. When public land was involved, Israeli settlements were established only after an exhaustive investigation process, under the supervision of the Supreme Court of Israel, designed to ensure that no communities were established on private Arab land.

John Kerry knows this. Barack Obama knows this. All the members of the Security Council who voted to condemn Israel for moving back into territory Jews had once inhabited know this. There can only be one explanation: anti-Semitism . No other land dispute has so gripped the attention of the United Nations; conflicts where tens or hundreds of thousands of people are dying get only a fraction of the attention that democratic, peace loving Israel does.

Obama's obsessive Jew-hatred must really be eating himself up inside. He's only going to be president for three more weeks and this is his last chance to strike out at the Jews. What an awful, evil man.

[originally in AT]



Hiliary 2020
You know something?
Thats all bullshit. What you posted there was revisionist history at its best. 100% propaganda lies.
Israel is no friend of the US. They've spied on us, theyve stole nuclear weapons from us, they've attacked us and theyve killed our soldiers.
All the wars in the middle east since 9/11. All the millions dead and maimed. The Israel GOV is behind all of it.
Trillions of dollars spent by the US all borrowed at interest from a Jewish Bank. Only one place has benifited from all this.
Israel alone.
True since the Balfour Declaration in 1918 Jews lived in PALESTINE , yes Palestine which was in maps going back to the middle ages, with Arabs. Jews and Arabs lived in peace.
But in 1948 the bad guys took over. Actually before 1948. Begin and his bunch expelled 700,000 Palestinians from their homes by force and murdered thousands of them while doing so. They never had any intention of sticking to the borders that were GIVEN to them in 48. The borders millions of non jews died for.
These were Zionist terrorists. Admitted terrorists. They blew up the King David Hotel in 1946 and killed 91 people.
I'm not going to give a histoy lesson here but since cerca 1948 the government of Israel has been run by Zionist War Mongers.
They have done some very bad things and they are behind many of the horrible things that have been happening in this world ever since.

But you want to use the God arguement?
Wanna say the people who lived there for thousands of years and have deeds to their houses have no right to be there?
Ok. First only a sick twisted person would think that, or maybe just very very brainwashed and weakminded.
I'm just going to copy and paste something I wrote a few days ago regarding the God Argument LIE.

The God Argument.
Its their land because they were there 3000 years ago according to a book.
Even though no maps exist showing this. Maps do exist going back to the middle ages saying PALESTINE.

But lets go with the God arguement just for laughs.
The majority of people in Israel are Ashkenazi Jews who migrated to the region after WWI and II. They are not related at all to the hebrews in the bible. Not at all. Not one bit.
They are decended from Khazars from central Asia near present day Georgia who converted to Judiaism in 800 AD.
About one hundred years later they started migrating into Russia and Europe.
In the late 1800's Germany took in many of them because Russia was treating them badly. Only Germany would take them and it bit them in the ass in 1914.
So they have no blood relation to the hebrew tribes of biblical times and DNA testng has proved this.
Therefore the only claim they have to that land, if you believe in the book, is that they adopted the religion of the people that lived there about 2000 years after the fact.

But all that wouldn't matter if israel would just draw their borders. Something they have never done.
Maybe if they did that they would be doing themselves and the world a favor.
Its 2017. Every country in the world has borders. Not Isreal. They do what they want and if you have a problem with it youre anti semite.
But if they did they would be expected to stick by those borders which they have no intentions of ever doing.
And for those who say the Palestinians refuse to recognize Isreal as a country or state...how can they do that if Israel wont define their own borders?

I know people dont like to hear the truth about israel.
We were all raised to have a auto response that criticising israel is racist.
Reality is the country is and always has been run by Zionist war mongering supremecists who use Judaism as a cover to sheild them of any criticism from the world of their crimes.

Even the Israeli people are sick of it. It wont last much longer. It will fall and hopefully the people who take control will start doing what they should to get along with the rest of the world.
Not a single U.S. President has ever supported the nonsense in the OP.
Every single one has seen the settlements as at the very least a major impediment to the peace process or at worst a violation of international law/the Geneva Convention.

Obama's obsessive Jew-hatred


With all due respect, you sir are horribly uniformed, and as blind as a bat.
But when you get your news "delivered FREE to your inbox!" from sites like newsmachete you don't figure to be the sharpest tool in the shed.

Irony alert: Muslim assassin imitates John Travolta's "Stayin' Alive" pose
Lesbian artist produces masterful painting of bearded Michelle Obama


Hiliary 2020
Jeez now I feel bad.
Sorry Beat, there has just been so much of this topic lately.
Youre source, NewsMachete, seems to be a bit on the propagandish side.
I think maybe you didn't notice that or are unaware.

Whether this source is actually coming from the far right or far left I don't know.
There are a lot of lefty sites that masquerade as righty sites and I suspect this is one of them.
Seems the propaganda they are selling is support of never ending wars, invasions, use of mercenary terror armies, and interference in the Arab world.
That's the basic root of most propaganda these days. Fear and hatred of Muslims therefore lets kill them.
Taking away/ chipping away the 2nd Amendment and/or causing an overall negative perspective on lawful gun ownership being the secondary motive of such propaganda.
Gotta develop a sense of being able to distinguish between actual news and news with an agenda.
I stick to my overall point which is Israel is and has been controlled by very bad people who have neither the Jewish of the world or anybody elses best interests in mind other than themselves.

Israel really has no friends, only subordinates. That's because they are backed by the World Bank and its very powerful members.

And Obama's actual feelings towards Israel and or Jews in really unknown as is most things about him.
If he's pro Arab he really hasn't shown it much considering What he's done to Libya, Iraq, Yemen, Somalia, Syria ect.
I think he helped destroy those countries as part of the deal to be PREZ whether he liked it or not.
1st Black US PREZ. MLK's dream or worst nightmare?
The Palestinian people has declared war on us, and we must respond with war. Not an operation, not a slow-moving one, not low-intensity, not controlled escalation, no destruction of terror infrastructure, no targeted killings. Enough with the oblique references. This is a war. Words have meanings. This is a war. It is not a war against terror, and not a war against extremists, and not even a war against the Palestinian Authority. These too are forms of avoiding reality. This is a war between two people. Who is the enemy? The Palestinian people.


The morality of war (yes, there is such a thing) is founded on the assumption that there are wars in this world, and that war is not the normal state of things, and that in wars the enemy is usually an entire people, including its elderly and its women, its cities and its villages, its property and its infrastructure.


Now this also includes the mothers of the martyrs, who send them to hell with flowers and kisses. They should follow their sons, nothing would be more just. They should go, as should the physical homes in which they raised the snakes. Otherwise, more little snakes will be raised there.

These quotes are from Ayelet Shaked, on a facebook post she wrote -and then deleted 'cause was no brave enough to bear the backlash that followed- on July 2014. In May 2015, Netanyahu named her Justice Minister

If Mammoud Abbad would hve said these things he would have been blasted. But when it comes from the Israeli government, it's OK...

There is No "P" SOUND in Arabic

The Palestinians are an invented people

fact Yasser Arafat was born in Egypt when to school in Egypt and serve in the Egyptian Army

Hamas Member said there is no such thing as Palestianians 1/2 from Egypt(like the late Yasser Arafat) and the rest from Saudi Arabia


PLO executive committee member Zahir Muhsein said this on 31 March 1977 in the Dutch newspaper Trouw:

The Palestinian people does not exist. The creation of a Palestinian state is only a means for continuing our struggle against the state of Israel for our Arab unity. In reality today there is no difference between Jordanians, Palestinians, Syrians and Lebanese. Only for political and tactical reasons do we speak today about the existence of a Palestinian people, since Arab national interests demand that we posit the existence of a distinct “Palestinian people” to oppose Zionism.

For tactical reasons, Jordan, which is a sovereign state with defined borders, cannot raise claims to Haifa and Jaffa, while as a Palestinian, I can undoubtedly demand Haifa, Jaffa, Beer-Sheva and Jerusalem. However, the moment we reclaim our right to all of Palestine, we will not wait even a minute to unite Palestine and Jordan.

The Jerusalem Post was called The Palestinian Post
More on Arab immigrants, So called "Palestinians". When they started to flood Palestine as Jews changed and cultivated the vacant land

Many Arabs identify their origins by their family names. Here are some of the most common family names among the "Palestinians":

"Masri" = from Egypt-Hamas member of Parliament, Mushir al-Masri (the word "masri" littelery means "the egyptian" in arabic !).
"Khamis"= Bahrain "Salem Hanna Khamis" "al-Faruqi"= Mosul, Iraq
"al-Araj" = Morocco, a member of the Saadi Dynasty "Hussein al-Araj"
"al Lubnani" = the Lebanese
"al-Mughrabi" = the Moroccan (Maghreb" – meaning "West" in Arabic, and usually referring to North Africa or specifically to Morocco)
"al-Djazair" = the Algerian
"al-Yamani" = the Yemeni "Issam Al Yamani"
"al-Afghani" = the Afghan
"al-Hindi" = the Indian "Amin al-Hindi"
"Iraqi" = from Iraq.
"halabi" = from Aleppo, Syria
"El Baghdadi" = from Baghdad Iraq.
"Tarabulsi"= Tarabulus-Tripoli, Lebanon.
"Hourani" = Houran Syria.
"al-Husayni" = Saudi Arabia.
"Saudi" = Saudi Arabia.
"Metzarwah"= Egypt.
"Barda---wil" = "Salah Bardawil" HAMAS legislator in Gaza; Egypt, Bardawil Lake area.
"Nashashibi" = Syria.
"Bushnak" = Bosnia
"zoabi"= from Iraq: "Haneen Zoabi".
"Turki" = Turkey "Daud Turki"
"al-Kurd" = Kurdistan.
"Haddadins" = YEMEN descended from Ghassanid Christian Arabs.
"Arab Abu-Kishk" = Egypt.(Bedouins)
"Arab al shakirat" = Egypt (Bedouins)
"Arab al zabidat" = Egypt (Bedouins)
"Arab al aramsha" = Egypt (Bedouins)
"Abu Sitta" = In Arabic' Abu means father and sitta means six. Translated it actually means father of six. (The Abu Sitta family primarily received this name because around the year 1700, a well known knight of the large Al-Tarabeen tribe always had six slaves (i.e. fedawyah, bodyguards), 3 on each side, with him. They were with him wherever he went, day or night. Hence the name "ABU SITTA." = Egypt (Bedouins) "Salman Abu Sitta ".)

Even Yasser Arafat, the most famous "Palestinian" and leader of the P.L.O terrorist organization, was not native to Judea. He called himself a "Palestinian refugee" but spoke Arabic with an Egyptian accent. He was born in 1929 Cairo, Egypt. He served in the Egyptian army, studied in the University of Cairo, and lived in Cairo until 1956! His full name was Mohammed Abdel Rahman Abdel Raouf Arafat al-Qudwa al-Husseini. "Al-Qudwa" tribe origin?

Yasser Arafat also proudly stated in his authorized biography that, "If there is any such thing as a Palestinian people, it is I, Yasser Arafat, who created them."
Thank you BeatMan.

Anxiously waiting for the refutal.

Right. Try as I might, even with the dutiful assistance of many media outlets, I cannot conjure any sympathies for the Hezbollahs, and the Hamases, the PLO, rock throwers and murdering suicides. If you want to play tribal tit for tat over the millenia, knock yourself out. But I'll just stay here and now, where a distinct people have a rightful and legal claim to a stretch of the earth, and a whole array of other people, united only by an ideology that encourages murdering your dissenters, has pledged to push them off that land and into the sea. Yeah, you don't need much fake news or otherwise to make up your mind for yourself.
It's most probably truez that most of the palestine population moved there during the last 50 years. But you gott know that Jerusalem is a sacred place for muslims too : according to Quran, Mohammed ascended to Heaven from Jerusalem. So even if tyhe region was not very populated it is important for muslims. You can'tjust claim that Israel is the only legit occupier of the region and has every right to reclaim all of it. You gotta find an agreement allowing both Israeli and Palestinian to live there. Yithzhak Rabbin and Yasser Araft had found such an agreement bt unfortunately some Israeli right-winger thought it was unbearable and shot Rabbin. But it provesthzt, if both parties really want to find a solution, they can.
Rioght now it just seems that none of them want peace. Srael wants to seize all palestine, Palestinians want to destroy Israel

Right. Try as I might, even with the dutiful assistance of many media outlets, I cannot conjure any sympathies for the Hezbollahs, and the Hamases, the PLO, rock throwers and murdering suicides. If you want to play tribal tit for tat over the millenia, knock yourself out. But I'll just stay here and now, where a distinct people have a rightful and legal claim to a stretch of the earth, and a whole array of other people, united only by an ideology that encourages murdering your dissenters, has pledged to push them off that land and into the sea. Yeah, you don't need much fake news or otherwise to make up your mind for yourself.

You can't put Hamas, Hezbollah and PLO in the same category : Two of them are terrorist organisationn but the PLO is done with armed ctions and now favors peace. negociations


Before 1967 No Arabs in the region called themselves "Palestinians"

In his 1997 book, Palestinian Identity: The Construction of Modern National Consciousness, historian Rashid Kalidi notes that, “Palestinian identity has never been an exclusive one, with Arabism, religion, and local loyalties playing an important role. Khalidi cautions against the efforts of some Palestinian nationalists to “anachronistically” read back into history a nationalist consciousness that is in fact “relatively modern.”
When did Media begin calling Arabs “Palestinians”?

Before the creation of Israel, it was actually the Jews who were referred to as Palestinians, not the Arabs. As a matter of fact, Arabs did not accept being called “Palestinians” because they did not want to be associated with Jews or with the British Mandate for Palestine:
“The Arabs who lived in the region became “Palestinians” only after the war of 1967. Before that, Judea and Samaria, together with Jerusalem, were occupied by Jordan, and Gaza was occupied by Egypt — but not a single arab thought of himself as a “Palestinian”. Moreover, to call an Arab a “Palestinian” would mean to insult him. “We are not Jews, we are Arabs”, they used to say in answer.”
“Even Yasser Arafat, the most famous “Palestinian” and leader of the P.L.O, is not native to so-called “Palestine”. He called himself a “Palestinian refugee” but spoke Arabic with an Egyptian accent. He was born in 1929 in Cairo, Egypt. He served in the Egyptian army, studied in the University of Cairo, and lived in Cairo until 1956. Arafat’s full name was Mohammed Abdel Rahman Abdel Raouf Arafat al-Qudwa al-Husseini.”
His last name, Al-Husseini, is a clear indication that his ancestry is from the Jordanian region.
“Until the late 60s the word “Palestinian” was commonly, unanimously and globally associated with Jews. The world knew: Palestine is just another name for Israel (or Judaea), like Kemet was just another name for Egypt. And they had very good reasons to say it.
Until 1950, the name of the Jerusalem Post was THE PALESTINE POST
The journal of the Zionist Organisation of America was NEW PALESTINE
The Bank Leumi was the ANGLO-PALESTINE BANK
The Israel Electric Company´s original name was the PALESTINE ELECTRIC COMPANY
All these were JEWISH ORGANISATIONS, organised and run by JEWS.
In America, the Anthem of the Zionist youngsters sang, “PALESTINE, MY PALESTINE”, “PALESTINE SCOUT SONG” and “PALESTINE SPRING SONG”.
Arabs knew that the term “Palestinian” is the synonym of a “Jew”, that is why they felt offended.But after the war of 1967 the Arabs suddenly “recalled” they were “Palestinians”. The idea belonged to the PR experts of the Soviet KGB. The plan of the PR campaign and the ideological base were brilliantly prepared and elaborated in the Soviet Institute of Oriental Studies whose director was Evgeniy Primakov. Primakov, the professional Intelligence officer, spoke Arabic very well and had been working for many years in different Arabic countries under the “cover” of a journalist of the official Communist Party newspaper “Pravda”. All the media of the Soviet satellite countries immediately wept over the “poor Palestinians whose land was stolen by the cruel Jews”. This idea about the “poor Palestinians” was immediately supported by the leftist media in the West. After 3 years of the massive PR campaign, with the media crying over the “poor Palestinians”, Egyptian-born Yasser Arafat rendered passionate speeches in European universities, in the United Nations Assemblies and at the political meetings about how he, “a native Palestinian”, was robbed and humiliated by the “Khazar Jews”. The appeared-from-nowhere “Palestinian people” was firmly rooted in the minds of people in Western Europe. The fastness with which it all happened was also due to the fact that it was against the Jews; if the Soviets and Arabs had tried this trick with, let’s say, Spaniards and tried to tell the world the stories about how “the cruel Spaniards robbed the native Andaluces of their land”, all the world would be laughing. But the Jews… Europeans have never been “in love” with them, and readily accepted the story about the “poor Palestinian people” who were driven from their land “by the Jews”.
Israel did all it could to launch the counter PR campaign, but the balance of power was clearly not in Israel’s favour; one tiny Israel against all the media of the Soviet block supported by the crowds of the liberal leftists in the West; did Israel have any chance to win the propagandistic war?
And now we have Arabs who call themselves “Palestinians” and weep over how “Jews stole their land” in Judea, and tell idiotic tales about how “Israelis robbed them of their land” in Israel.”
Some Arabs were actually Jews who were forced to convert to Islam, just as some Christians were forced to do so as well.Because of the fact that the region of Palestine comprised more than just Israel, it is clear that Arabs do not only originate from the territory known today as the state of Israel. It would be impossible for Arabs to determine from which exact region they originate. The fact that they insist they all originate from the area designated for the Jewish State makes them appear as liars. There is a great possibility they actually come from Jordan, Egypt, Lebanon, Syria, Iraq and other countries as well. Many of their surnames are good indications of their origins: Al Masri, Al Metzarwah (Egyptian), Al Husseini, Al Urdondi (Jordanian), Al Suri, Al Nashashibi (Syrian) Al Haurani (Hauran, Syria), Al Lubnani (Lebanese), Al Tarabulsi (Tarabulus-Tripoli in Lebanon), Al Iraqi (Iraqi), Al Saudi, Al Husayni (Saudi Arabia). These are common surnames amongst Arabs in Gaza, Judea and Samaria, and including Israeli Arabs.
Walid Shoebat, a former PLO terrorist acknowledged the lies he was told and the lies he was expected to repeat. He explains: “Why is it that on June 4, 1967 I was a Jordanian and overnight I became a ‘Palestinian’?”



Hiliary 2020
Ok then who lived there before it was Israel?
Even one day before because thats all that matters.

Who owned the deeds to the propertys that were taken?

Youre argument is lame and has no rational point.
People lived there before it was israel.
Israel was given a certain area with specific boundries and they didn't obide by those boundries....they took more and continue to do so.
This exact thing is the supposed pretense in which the entire European aspect of WWII was fought.
Ok then who lived there before it was Israel?
Even one day before because thats all that matters.

Who owned the deeds to the propertys that were taken?

Youre argument is lame and has no rational point.
People lived there before it was israel.
Israel was given a certain area with specific boundries and they didn't obide by those boundries....they took more and continue to do so.
This exact thing is the supposed pretense in which the entire European aspect of WWII was fought.

BeatMan (and I in another thread) pointed out who lived there before it was Israel.

who didn't "obide" by what? who, with a combined 4 arab armies, attacked who in 1948 with the aim of wiping out the just-born jewish state?
Not a single U.S. President has ever supported the nonsense in the OP.
Every single one has seen the settlements as at the very least a major impediment to the peace process or at worst a violation of international law/the Geneva Convention.

so that's the standard? What a U.S. President supports? Because other considerations don't factor? Ronaldus Maximus (peace be upon him) condemned Israel for the bombing of Iraq's Osirak nuclear facility in 1980. But in hindsight (or at the time), it's a good thing they did, right?
why isn't there outcry at the Indonesian Occupation of West Papua?


Balochistan: The real occupation and genocide that mainstream media and liberals don’t care about


While fake instances of “Palestinian suffering” has been taking up all the bandwidth of media attention in the West, mainstream media and liberal activists have been surprisingly silent over the suffering of Baloch people living under the brutal occupation of Iran and Pakistan. Once an independent people with distinct ethnicity, culture and language, Baloch people today are living under foreign military occupation.

Saudi Occupation of the Kingdom of Hejaz


Sudan's genocide of the Native Black people who were living there before the rise of Islam

