Jeb Bush Says Unwed Mothers Should be Publicly Shamed

Everyone for years said that Jeb was the the most presidential of the Bush brothers. I have never seen it. For one when he speaks its like he has to shit and he's afraid to put any emphasis on anything or he'll lose his mud. He has no inflection in his voice and he always sounds like he's reading. He has the posture of a 90 year old man. He has been given far too much credit for his term as governor of Florida. In his time Florida became one of the lowest income states in the country. Florida saw it's first negative population growth in 80 years and seniors were no longer retiring to Florida like they once were. The drug companies had republican protection from regulation and Florida held out on a state-wide prescription tracking program and therefor became the #1 pain pill state in the country. You could doctor shop all you wanted and there was no record of how many Vicodin you picked up at Walgreen's or CVS.

But now he's beating that tea party drum that we need to turn back the clock the the 50s when girls who had babies out of wedlock were publicly shamed. He even referred to the basis of the story of the "Scarlet Letter" from the fucking 1850s!!!!! where women were required to wear a red, large letter A if they were adulterers. And get this, in 2001 as governor of Florida, he declined to veto a very controversial bill that required single mothers who did not know the identity of the father to publish their sexual histories in a newspaper before they could legally put their babies up for adoption. I mean really? WHAT THE FUCK! I wonder if he would have been okay if his daughter who was caught trying to fill a prescription from a stolen prescription pad was publicly shamed if he had not been governor??? How much trouble did she get in for that again?

This is what the next republican nominee had to say:

"One of the reasons more young women are giving birth out of wedlock and more young men are walking away from their paternal obligations is that there is no longer a stigma attached to this behavior, no reason to feel shame. Many of these young women and young men look around and see their friends engaged in the same irresponsible conduct. Their parents and neighbors have become ineffective at attaching some sense of ridicule to this behavior. There was a time when neighbors and communities would frown on out of wedlock births and when public condemnation was enough of a stimulus for one to be careful."
Well, you were a mother at 18 so I kinda see your objection to his comments Maybe if his mother Barb didn't come from a long line of Connecticut blue bloods maybe Jeb would have been a bastard too . She looks like she could have easily been a slut herself back in the day. Pure as the newly driven snow virgins don't get their likeness on the side of airplanes in the form of nose art.
Your threads are created to get a reaction out of the several thousand conservative posters on this board :)
Well, Jeb may have said that but Hillary takes money from Saudi Arabia that believe in practices that make publically shaming unwed mothers look like a day at Six Flags.
Yes she does. But who's butt buddies with the Saudi royal family? Who allowed the bin Laden family to fly out of the US after 9/11 even though the airports were all closed? Who's sec of state (James Baker) has represented the Saudi family since he worked for Ronny Reagan? You can NOT compare Hillary accepting money to being very close friends for decades. Oh yeah, YOU can lol
If someone from your family commits a crime does a judge revoke your passport?

Were the Bushes and Baker accepting money from the Saudis? Having diplomatic relations and the brokering of such does not constitute anything near what the Clinton's have done. And it has been proven especially lately that a relationship with the Saudis is a necessary evil but it doesn't mean you take money from them. If anything, we supplied them with weaponry because we needed them for some sense of stability in the region. As distasteful as it is. The Saudis are the ones complaining about ISIS more than anyone.
The Saudis were not funneling money to Bin Laden to commit acts of terror. His family was rich and he chose to do evil with it. Kinda like that rich fucker Robert Durst that was murdering people.

The instability now is because Obama was hell bent on ending our involvement in Iraq at any cost. But the instability would not be what it is had not dubya decided to invade. I am with you on that.

Will E Worm

I will agree with people need to think, and not have children out of wedlock.

I will not agree with Jeb, his family is guilty of too much crime.



Retired Mod
Bronze Member
Put him on your ignore-list. You keep talking to somebody who would rather cut himself than agreeiong on anything substantial. Even as he tells you he shares your dislike of Jeb Bush, he can't hold back making it about you, you, you.

It is kind of flattering, but not worth it.
If someone from your family commits a crime does a judge revoke your passport?

For ~3 days everybody else in the US's passports were suspended! If they weren't from a powerful Saudi family they would have at least sat down with the FBI and answered questions like:
When is the last time you talked to your cousin?
Do you know why he is so mad at us, he was so friendly when we were giving him weapons to fight the Russians?
Do you know who in the family is still talking to him?
Do you know where he keeps his money?
Did he ever talk about where he might like to retire?
But they didn't have to do any of that thanks to their friendship with the Bush family!
For ~3 days everybody else in the US's passports were suspended! If they weren't from a powerful Saudi family they would have at least sat down with the FBI and answered questions like:
When is the last time you talked to your cousin?
Do you know why he is so mad at us, he was so friendly when we were giving him weapons to fight the Russians?
Do you know who in the family is still talking to him?
Do you know where he keeps his money?
Did he ever talk about where he might like to retire?
But they didn't have to do any of that thanks to their friendship with the Bush family!

They probably fell under some sort of diplomatic immunity . They were not U.S. Nationals and did not have to answer the FBI's questions.

To retain them would have created tension with the Saudi government .

I bet you are against detaining prisoners at Gitmo.
Not one of the bin Ladens are diplomats. NOT ONE. It was done as a courtesy by the administration. So not being diplomats they are absolutely subject to questioning.

And you might wanna check where 17 of the 19 hijackers was from counselor. And the Saudi royals have been funding the radical mullahs all along. The majority of the money for terror comes from the Saudis. James Baker has defended them at the Hague for decades for human rights violations among other things so don't tell me he hasn't been given money by them.

Mr. Daystar

In a bell tower, watching you through cross hairs.
Your threads are created to get a reaction out of the several thousand conservative posters on this board :)

Her threads are started to inflame, and start trouble. Then, when you disagree, and ONLY then, she acts like the people she complains about, becomes abusive, and shows her true self. She loves to point out how many posts a member has, but never reveals that as Mariah Milano, ocsm, she has over 4k posts. She attacks family, accuse people of heinous acts, and treats other members like garbage, and has no respect for anyone, let alone herself. Do yourself a favor, and distance yourself from her, and do not get sucked into her game, you cannot win...she is sad, and needs help.